At Dulwich Wood, we recognise that technology is forever changing the world that we live. By the time children leave us, we want them to be confident digital citizens. Technology plays a major part in our life and it is vital that children understand how to keep themselves safe online. Children also need to be aware of how they can use technology for different purposes. Our computing curriculum provides a wealth of learning opportunities and transferable skills. We want children to have the opportunity to use technology to enhance their learning in all subjects as well as learn Computer Science discreetly.

Computing at Dulwich Wood is taught via focused computing sessions taught in the computing suite. Teachers aim to embed computing throughout all areas of learning. E-safety is an important aspect of the computing curriculum and teachers are encouraged to use opportunities to promote e-safety throughout all learning. Every year group has a project that focuses on a specific area and skill set in computing. We have developed our own computing progression map that is used to ensure coverage and progression. Staff have regular training sessions to keep up to date with the latest technology.

Our goal for a successful computing curriculum is that it’s more visible throughout the school and that computing learning opportunities are planned for throughout the curriculum. That children become digitally literate; able to use, express themselves and develop ideas through different technological platforms.

If you’d like to discover more about how we teach computing at Dulwich Wood you can read our guidance in full by downloading the link below.



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