Our School Council 2024 – 2025

Why do we have a school’s council?
The School’s Council is an ideal opportunity for pupils to get more involved in the way the school is run.
The School Council benefits the whole school, pupils and teachers, because it provides opportunities for pupils to communicate their feelings as well as influence decisions that are made within school.
Councillors develop skills such as confidence, communication and negotiation. It is the responsibility of each Councillor to ensure that they express both their own views and the views of all the other pupils they represent.
Who can be a member of the school’s council?
We have an active School Council with boys and girls representing their fellow pupils from Reception to Year 6.
Each Councillor is elected by members of their house at the beginning of the school year after a short presentation explaining why they should be elected.
What do we do?
Members of the Council take part in discussions and votes and also feedback any relevant information to classes. At times they are requested to ask other children for ideas or take class votes relating to discussions by the Council.