What time does school start?

The primary school day begins at 8:50am for Reception to Year 6. 

The school gates open at 8:35am and closes at 8:50am

If you arrive after 8:50am go straight to the office where they will let your child choose their lunch and pick up a late ticket.

The nursery morning sessions begin at 8:35am and finish at 11:35am. Afternoon sessions begin at 12:35pm and end at 3.35pm.

What time does school finish?

The school day finishing times:

Reception, Year 1, Year 2, Year 3, Year 4 & Year 5 – 3:20pm

Year 6 – 3:30pm

Children not picked up by the allocated time will be kept at the office and their parents will be contacted.

What should I do if my child is ill?

If your child is unwell call the office on 020 8670 5470 or email office@dulwichwood.com and follow the instructions to report them as sick. If you are dropping off or picking up your child for an appointment please register them on the system in the office.

What is the emergency contact number for Emu Club?

In the first instance call the office on 020 8670 5470. Each Emu Club bubble have their own mobile number which you will receive when you book your child’s place. 

What should my child wear for PE?

The kit for PE is a yellow t-shirt and navy shorts or tracksuit bottoms.

Suitable t-shirts and shorts are sold in the office but children are permitted to wear others as long as they are plain and in school colours.

All children should also wear plain black trainers or pumps.

What should my child wear for Forest School?

Depending upon the time of year Forest School can be wet so please send your child with wellies (if they have none the school do have some spare) and in long-sleeved tops and trousers so they can avoid scratches and stings. Please also make sure they have a waterproof rain coat.

If you do not wish for your child to attend Forest School please let the teacher know when you receive notification of your child’s session. Each session usually lasts 3 weeks, although timings can vary.

Who should I contact if I want to discuss my child’s learning?

If you have a query about your child’s learning, please contact Miss Bristow, our Inclusion lead.

Who should I contact if I want to talk about a problem at playtime?

If you would like to discuss a problem outside of the classroom do feel free to speak to one of the senior leadership team you will find on the gate at drop off or pick up.

What should I do if we are running late for school?

If there is a reason like illness or some emergency do ring the school office and they will tell you how best to proceed. If you are simply running late then deliver your child to school as soon as you’re able and go straight to the office who will then deliver your child to class.

What is the uniform policy?

School colours are Blue and Yellow.

Children are expected to wear:

  • either:
  • Yellow polo shirts (on sale in the office)
  • Blue jumper, cardigan or fleece
  • Grey or black trousers, shorts, skirts, shorts or dresses
  • or:
  • Yellow or blue checked summer dresses
  • White, grey or black socks or tights for girls
  • Black or grey socks for boys
  • Plain black shoes

Polo shirts, fleeces and jumpers, as well as sports kit, can be bought from the office.

Second hand uniform can be bought from Friends of Dulwich Wood