School times
Start of Day
- Gates open at 8:35am & close at 8:50am
- Reception will enter via their gates
- Y1, Y2, Y3, Y4, Y5 & Y6 will enter by main gate on Bowen Drive
- Parents will not enter the playground unless they need to speak to the office
- Parents / Carers will continue to say goodbye outside the gates
Senior leaders will continue to be at both the back and front gates at the beginning of the day should you need to speak to anyone.
In the morning parents will continue to leave their children at the gates to ensure a swift and purposeful start to the school day. Teachers plan early morning work from 8.35am so we would strongly encourage parents to get their children here for 8.35am so they maximise their learning time. Often Teachers work one to one with children during this time, giving them feedback and next steps or helping them with misconceptions from the previous days learning.
If your child is late you must register at the office. Thank you for your support in ensuring that children arrive on time.
End of Day
- Reception will finish at 3:20pm from the classroom door
- Parents will be allowed onto the playground at 3:15pm
Year 1, Year 2 & Year 3
- Year 1 will finish at 3:20pm, children will be collected from the Year 1 Garden Gate
- Year 2 will finish at 3:20pm, children will be collected from the undercover area by the main office
- Year 3 will finish at 3:20pm, children will be collected from the chill out zone in bottom playground
- A member of Senior Leadership Team will be at the front gate every day
- Parents will be allowed onto the playground at 3:15pm
Year 4, Year 5 & Year 6
- Year 4 & Year 5 will finish at 3:20pm, children will leave by the main gate
- Year 6 will finish at 3:30pm, will leave by the main gate
Please see the Map which shows where and when each year group should be dropped off and picked up.
Term times and holiday dates
Emu Club – Breakfast & After School Club

The Emu Club is Dulwich Wood’s Breakfast and After School Club for parents who need the convenience of a wrap-around extended school facility.
The Emu Club team will offer care for your children from 7:30am to 6:00pm in the evening with the added benefit of a quality education in the bit in-between.
After School Club
Early Years Bubble (Reception) — based in the Reception Area- pick-up Reception gate.
KS1 Bubble (Year 1 & Year 2) — based in the Upper Hall — pick-up Main gate on Bowen Drive.
KS2 Bubble (Year 3, Year 4, Year 5 and Year 6) — based in the Lower Hall/Art Room – pick-up main gate on Bowen Drive.
Children will be dropped off at their area by classroom staff.
The After-School Club closes at 6pm (a penalty will apply for late pick-up after 6pm).
- Your child will be offered a cold snack and a drink around 4pm or 4:35pm if they have attended an extracurricular club.
- The staff will be using the dietary requirements stated on your child’s admissions form.
All Emu Club Sessions are £10 (even if children attend an extra-curricular club until 4:30pm)
Pick Up
- All families registered will receive a text with the phone number to ring when you arrive at your allocated gate to collect your child.
- A member of staff will bring your child to the gate. Please note that if you have children in the Early Years Bubble and a KS1/KS2 Bubble you must collect them from the allocated gates.
- We are sorry for any inconvenience caused but as I am sure you understand we have to comply with public health guidelines and the school’s risk assessment.
Bookings for After School Club
Primary Children: You can book 7 days in advance using Schools Buddy. Please contact the Primary School office if you need any further assistance. ( or telephone 020 8670 5470).
Direct contact with a positive case who has attended a club
Your child will need to self-isolate along with any other children who have been in direct contact with a positive case.
Breakfast Club
- Year group tables in the Primary School Upper Hall
- Activities will be limited to colouring, reading and board games
- At 8.35 children will be taken to their classes, please note they will not be able to play outside at all before school
Times and Drop Off
- Open from 7.30am to 8.30am, there will be no admittance before 7.30am or after 8.30 am
- Parents will be expected to bring their children up the external stair case and drop them at the hall door.
The session will cost £5
- Children will be served cereal, toast and juice
- The staff will be using the dietary requirements stated on your child’s admissions form.
Bookings for Breakfast Club
Please only consider using this child care option only as a last resort, the fewer children in the Upper hall from different year groups the safer it will be.
If you require this service you will need to email Miss Rowe ( with your requirements.
Direct contact with a positive case who has attended a club
Your child will need to self-isolate along with any other children who have been in direct contact with a positive case.