Learning Journey – ‘Freedom’

 A snapshot of our week:

Reception: we have started a new story called Halibut Jackson, a very shy character who likes to blend in with the background so that people won’t notice him. This has led us to explore the concept of ‘camouflage’ and to discuss how we dress for different occasions as Halibut is very talented at costume-making. At the end of the week, the children were incredibly excited to have a go at the brand-new tree house!!

Year 1: we have all been using our Dulwich Wood Learning Toolkits this week to write our own stories about the naughty toys in our classrooms. We used our making links tool to connect what happened in Naughty Bus to our own stories, our planning tool by setting up the different scenes and photographing them and our imagining tool to think of lots of different adjectives to describe. It’s pretty cool that we’re writing our own stories in Year 1 already! In maths we have been comparing addition and subtraction statements and using our reasoning tool to complete the chilli challenges.

Year 2: in Maths this week, we have been consolidating subtraction, where exchanging is required and working on our mental calculations. We are getting better and more fluent at these! We are always using these strategies and other strategies we have learnt, to solve word problems involving addition and subtraction. In Literacy, we have had a puzzling start to the week. We found a river running through our classroom which led into discussion on the importance of water and looking at ways to preserve and protect water as well other environmental issues. We will be exploring these issues further next week.

Year 3: we have been engrossed in their times tables! We have been focusing on our 3 times table and practising them by doing multiplication and division and playing some ‘quick fire’ times tables games! They are all determined become times tables kings and queens! (please help them to achieve this by practising with them at home!). In Science, we are finding out about fossils which is going to get very exciting! In History we are learning about Stonehenge and all the strange, fascinating mysteries which surround it!

Year 4: we started by using out ICT skills to research all about the life of Harvey Milk and then we used our planning tools to organise the information we found into subheadings. Harvey Milk’s legacy has left a powerful message for all Joey wrote- ‘For all the good things Milk has done the rainbow flag’s colours still shine today’. In maths we completed our unit on measurement and have been finding the perimeter of rectilinear shapes. We used our making links tool and applied our knowledge of addition and subtraction to find missing sides. In science, the dentist came to visit, she inspired us to investigate the effects of different liquids on our teeth. We used an egg (not real teeth) and put it into different liquids, over the next few days we will be observing the changes to see how different liquids effect our teeth.

Year 5: we have been building on our understanding of area and perimeter investigating regular and irregular shapes. We have been using both our imagination and planning tools in Literacy to create the sequel to our book The Island titled ‘The Outsiders’ where we are implementing the use of direct speech and idioms. In Science we have been experimenting with the different ways we can effect the pitch of an instrument and how our inner ear functions to distinguish sounds. We have been conquering many of our fears this week in Gymnastics as we experimented with different kinds of leaps and jumps off of obstacles! We had the lap tops out too, we used them for our reading assessment and we all agreed that made the assessment much more fun!

Year 6: After our thought-provoking debate last week about whether or not the Suffragettes should have used violence, we used this passion and knowledge, incorporating it into our written balanced argument. Surprisingly, there are quite a few children who were in support of them using violence, supporting their opinions with strong evidence. It would appear that we have future politicians among us! In Science, we have been looking at how our body transports water and nutrients via the blood stream. We used our making links tool; applying our prior knowledge of the digestive system, linking it to the circulatory system. As well as this, we have been preparing for our upcoming Samba performance! We are excited to perform our collective piece next week and look forward to as many as possible of you to attend. See below for more details.


Star Pupils this week

Reception – Emmanuel, Atlee, Nevaeh & Arlo

Year 1 – Vida, Sadija, Kaiden & Princess

Year 2– Elshaday, Princess, Lorenzo & Zash



Green Acorn Awards – 75 points!

Y2 Dimas, Aysha, John. Latifah, Ostin, Rhoda, Wendy, Gabriella, King



House Points 

67 60 65


The Dulwich Wood Tree House

Today we opened the Tree House and everyone loves it! A huge Thank you to Beth Collins who has led the Friends and championed the fund-raising events for this amazing project. Beth has now steeped down from this role and we wanted to take this opportunity to Thank her for all her hard work and dedication to Dulwich Wood. She will be forever known as the Tree House Mum!


Children in Need

A huge thank you we raised just over £600, the cake donations brought in so much money too, please come and collect your boxes and cake tins from the School Office. We would love you to re-fill them for next Saturdays Winter Fair!


Friday Celebration Assemblies

We are all so happy to be able to celebrate children’s achievements with their Parents in the Top Hall on Fridays. Although we would love to welcome everyone we are limited by space and need to remain cautious about crowding with the rise in Covid cases, therefore Parents can attend these assemblies by invitation only. If your child is receiving a Star of the Week certificate you will be notified by text the day before and invited to come along and celebrate with your child. Thank you for your support.


Book Fair (7th December – 10th December)

We are delighted to confirm that our Book Fair will be going ahead in the Lower Hall from Tuesday 7th of December to Friday 10th December.

Parents/Carers are invited to view the books with their children from 8.35 to 8.50 (they need then to be back in their classrooms by 8.55 pm to order their lunch and be registered).


Samba Concert for Year 6 Parents/Carers  (Thursday 2nd December at 10.30 am in Upper School Hall)

Year 6 have been having Samba Lessons this term and they would like to share their skills with you. Please come to their performance, you will be amazed!


Young Musician of the Year

Can your child sing or play an instrument to Grade 2 level?

Is your child aged between 7 and 11 years old?

Do they like to perform?

Then this competition is for them!!

Please encourage them to get an application form from Miss Drummond and to give it a go. It will be such a good experience for them and great practice for those older children who might be thinking of applying for a music scholarship when they go to Secondary School.


School Photos

As you know all children in school on Tuesday their photos taken. To view and purchase the photo you will need to input your child’s unique QR Code which they were given after their photo was taken. If you haven’t got that code please contact the School Office. For free delivery to the school you need to have put your order in by December 6th. We will then be able to send them home in time for Christmas!


Breakfast & Emu Club for Spring Term

Bookings are now open on SchoolsBuddy for Breakfast & Emu Club for the Spring Term. We are in the process of confirming the Extra Curricular After School Club time table and hope to open these for bookings before December.


Relationships and Sex Education Working Party (Wednesday 1st December at 9- 10 am)

This term we have been reviewing our Relationships and Sex Education Policy (RSE), before we finalise it we would be interested in your feedback. Mrs Jary met with several Parents in the Summer term who wanted more information about what we were teaching and why. These conversations were really useful and have been considered in our policy re-draft. Mrs Jary and Miss Curwen (PSHE Lead) will be hosting a working party of interested parties on Wednesday 1st December.


Please email hjary@dulwichwood.com in you are interested and she will send you the draft to read over in advance of the session and book you into the working party.


Friends of Dulwich Wood Winter Fair – Saturday 4th December 2021

Only 8 more sleeps!   

Entry by pre-bought tickets only buy online by visiting Book your tickets now, book a visit to Santa’s Grotto and reserve your tokens to spend


Christmas Trees

Today is the last day to order your Christmas Tree!! We need to have a few more orders to meet the target of 60 trees, please ask friends and neighbours if they would like to buy one. They are great quality and cheaper than those on the high street. All the proceeds go directly to the school.


Raffle Tickets Thank you for selling the Raffle Tickets, we have a fabulous 50 prizes! Once your child has returned their £5 they can ask for more tickets to sell if they want to. Remember there are prizes for the children and the Class that sells the most tickets!

‘You’ve got to be in it to win it!!’


We need second hand toys, books and Christmas jumpers for the stall at the Winter Fair. Please have a look for any unwanted items and drop them at the School Office. Thank you so much!!

Second Hand Uniform

Second hand uniform will be on sale at the Fair, we have a huge amount of stock in great condition so bring a big bag!!




Dates for the Diary

Wed 1st Dec (9am – 10am) – SRE Working Party (more details above)

Thu 2nd Dec (10:30am) – Year 6 Samba Concert (Parents Invited)

Fri 3rd Dec – KS2 Celebration Assembly

Sat 4th Dec – FODW Winter Fair

Tue 7th December (9am or 5:30pm) – Reception Maths Workshop

Fri 10th Dec – Reception/KS1 Celebration Assembly

Fri 10th Dec – Christmas Jumper Day and Christmas Dinner 

Tue 14th Dec – Reception Christmas Performance 9:30am & 2:30pm (more details to follow)

Wed 15th Dec – KS1 Christmas Performance 9:30am & 2:30pm (more details to follow)

Wed 15th Dec – KS2 Christmas Evening Performance – St Stephen’s Church (more details to follow)

Fri 17th Dec – School Finishes at 1pm. No Emu Club. 



Friday 26th November 2021