Friday 12th Jul 2024

  • All parents/carers are invited.
  • No Dogs allowed.
  • Wear your PE Kit & house colours!
  • Bring a water bottle (no snacks required).
  • All children will have their usual lunch time at school.
  • These classes only will go with their Teachers to the Sports Ground at 9am.
  • Children will return to school after the long-distance race.
  • These classes will go with their Teachers to the Sports Ground at 10.30am.
  • Children will return to school after the long-distance race.
  • Reception will leave school at 12.30 (Parents are invited to walk down to the Sports Ground with their Child’s Class, please wait at your usual pick-up place by the Reception Class Gates).
  • Parents can take children home after the last race.
  • Please do not take your child before informing their Teacher.

Dulwich Wood Primary School is taking part in a programme to support children’s speaking and listening skills (known as ‘oracy’). Researchers from Ecorys are looking at what difference this programme makes. Please take 5 minutes to complete this short survey. We are really keen to get your views. You can click on this link to complete the survey:

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