Learning Journey – Our World through Time


Dear Parents/Carers,


Find out about all the brilliant learning that has been happening across the school this week.


Reception – we have continued to work around the story ‘I Will Not Ever Never Eat a Tomato’, thinking about what we would never ever eat and used this to start working our own version of the story. We have been brilliant at coming up with creative names to rename food, just like Charlie did in the story to trick Lola into not being such a fussy eater.


Year 1 – we have created our very own toys with the help of Miss Bishop; they have leavers, sliders and mechanisms! We started our new book ‘Billy and the Beast’ with a mysterious camp fire showing up in 1A. We have used our imagining tool to create our own story, ‘Milly and the Monster’!


Year 2 – we have been learning all about the life cycles of different animals including humans, and making links with our new literacy book ‘The Tadpole’s Promise’. We have been particularly excited to learn about the life cycle of the frog and the butterfly as they are the characters of our story. Using our observation skills and asking questions tool, we have been closely following the changes and growth of our caterpillars, as they start to form their cocoons. We couldn’t be more fascinated by them! 


Year 3 – we have been finding out about the Bronze age and why it replaced the Stone Age. We explored how it was introduced to Britain and this led us to thinking about what fantastic things we would introduce if we could travel back in time to take the people something useful! We have been finding out about how fossils are made in science and we even made our own prehistoric fossils!


Year 4/5 – we have been writing our biographies of Howard Carter and are super impressed with the children’s wonderful use of formal tone and sentence variation. We have also been learning about ancient Egyptian mummification. We have made our own mummies out of tin foil and modroc and a sarcophagus for our mummies out of card, which we then decorated. They look fantastic!


Year 6 – We have been learning more about the Maya civilisation. At the beginning of the week we researched the many Mayan gods, created our own and then wrote character descriptions to explain their impact and physical appearance. Next, we explored the amazing architecture of the temples and wrote beautiful poems using figurative language. Did you know that the temples were originally painted red to symbolise life? In maths, we all loved making numbers using the Mayan number system the children used sticks, shells and beads to make numbers and explained the place value system.  


Year 4/5 Closure

As many of you know the Year 4/5 bubble closed yesterday due to a positive Covid case.  A full programme of ‘Remote Learning’ has begun and several teachers along with all the children in this year group are having to isolate in line with Government guidelines.

This situation has been inconvenient for everyone, and the school have a thorough risk assessment in place in minimise risk. If your child is unwell, please seek medical advice and keep the school informed.


Eid Assembly – Monday 17th May

Our Eid Assembly on Monday was a huge success, so many Muslim families came to school in their Eid clothes, bringing treats to share and important artefacts to show. A huge thank you to Mrs Bushi for her input, the whole school community learnt about the importance of fasting and charity to Muslims.



Star Pupils this Week

Reception – Dominic, Alex, Lev, Teddy

Year 1 – Eira, Luna, Ivy, Aysha

Year 2 – Leayah, Victor, Teddy, Mathis

Year 3 – Jack, Kai, Benji, Greta L

Year 4/5 – Holly, Seren, George, Malachi, Tahlisa, Elissa

Year 6 – Eliza, Ibrahim, Hector, Jakub


Acorn Awards this week

Bronze Acorn Awards  – 150 points!

Year 2 – Lilianna

Year4/5 – Xaynee, Malachi N-S, Xavier

Year 6 – Jacob, Hector


Silver Acorn Awards – 250 points!

Year 4/5 – Muzakkir, Holly, Rocco, Ariyana, Tabitha



House Points 

171 193 199


Home Learning

·         Reading: make sure that you are reading every night using Bug Club (Rec, Y1, Y2) or MyOn (Y3-Y6)

·         Spelling: look at Tapestry each week for your spelling words to practise. (Y1 – Y6)

·         Maths: practise your maths skills using Numbots (Y1 & Y2) OR Times Table Rock Stars (Y2 – Y6)

Please set limitations for your children, certainly no more than 1 hour & definitely not just before bed!

Wrap Around Care

Breakfast and Emu Club sessions are now available to book for after the half term break. Please remember to book 7 days in advance to avoid premium charges.


Uniform should be purchased via SchoolsBuddy. Orders placed from Wednesday through to Tuesday will be ready for collection  on the following Wednesday – the office will text parents when your order is available


FODW Fun Run – Friday 11th June

Instead of a whole school sports day this year, the Friends of Dulwich Wood will be hosting a Fun Run. We hope this will enable us to minimise the mixing of children and families, as well as raise money for the adventure woodland area. Please support this event if you can.

We are looking to borrow some equipment and would be most grateful if anyone could lend or donate some hay bales for children to scramble over or some cargo/crawl nets for them to crawl under. Any ideas for other equipment welcome please contact the Friends: friendsofdwp@gmail.com





Dates for your Diary

Mon 31st May – Fr 4th Jun Half Term Break  (Children return to school on Mon 7th June) 
Mon 12th July Learning Reviews (school closed to children)













Dulwich Wood Dinner Menu

Monday 24th  Tuesday 25th  Wednesday 26th  Thursday 27th  Friday 28th 
Meal A  Chinese Chicken Noodles BBQ Meatballs with pasta Roast Turkey with Roast Potatoes

and Gravy

Jerk Chicken with Rice & Peas Crispy Fish Fingers and Chips
Meal B Vegetable Noodles Tomato and Basil Pasta Quorn Roast with Roast Potatoes and Gravy Mild Chilli Cheese Burrito Wrap with Rice Quorn Dippers and Chips
Meal C Filled Jacket Potato Filled Jacket Potato Filled Jacket Potato Filled Jacket Potato Filled Jacket Potato
Vegetables Sweetcorn & Broccoli Peas & Carrots Carrots & Cabbage Sweetcorn & Broccoli Baked Beans & Peas
Salad Bar ‘Salad of the Day’, Tomato, Cucumber, Lettuce, Carrot ‘Salad of the Day’, Tomato, Cucumber, Lettuce, Sweetcorn ‘Salad of the Day’, Tomato, Cucumber, Lettuce, Peppers ‘Salad of the Day’, Tomato, Cucumber, Lettuce, Carrot ‘Salad of the Day’, Tomato, Cucumber, Lettuce, Sweetcorn
Desserts Yoghurt & Fresh Fruit Slices Yoghurt & Fresh Fruit Salad Yoghurt & Fresh Fruit Salad Yoghurt & Fresh Fruit Salad Cheese & Biscuits with Grapes & Apples

Friday 21st May 2021