A child must have reached their second birthday to enter the under 3s. There are 8 places available for 2 year olds in the morning and 8 in the afternoon.

The government is keen for all 2 year olds (particularly those from disadvantaged backgrounds) to access education in a school as early as possible. Eligible families are identified by Southwark who issue an ‘offer letter’ to the family which says they are entitled to 15 hours of free under 3 education in a nursery school for their child.

Parents can choose which nursery they go to providing there are places available. Dulwich Wood has the capacity to take 8 morning children and 8 afternoon children.

A child in the under 3s who becomes 3 during the year may be moved into the nursery class if a space is available. In September each year, children from the under 3s who have turned 3 (or will turn 3 during the summer holiday) will automatically be offered a place in the nursery class for the following September.

The two year olds share their classroom with three and four year olds but have their own dedicated Early Years Educators and Teaching Assistants. The Early Years Educators are ‘Key Workers’ and are responsible for a named group of children.

The morning session is 0835 and 1115 and the afternoon session is 1235 and 1515.

Two year olds do not stay over lunch hour as they have either morning or afternoon sessions.

If you have your letter from Southwark or are expecting it soon please get in touch with us to secure a place for your child as soon as possible.