Learning Journey – ‘Our World through Time’

Dear Parents/Carers,

We’ve had a really exciting half term of learning at Dulwich Wood! Here is a snapshot of what we have learnt:

Reception – we finished our own version of ‘I Will Not Ever Never Eat a Tomato’. After all this talk about fussy eaters, we have been learning about things we need to stay healthy, such as a balanced diet, physical activity as well as good sleeping and hygiene habits!

Year 1 – our learning has taken us to the past, present and the future this half term! We have created a time line of events about toys, with a particular focus on the Victorian era, learnt all about the concepts of old and new and have been sorting toys into these categories. In Art we planned, designed and created our own toys making both a robot with mechanisms and a Naughty Bus back drop with sliders. We have used our imagination tool to hot seat a child from the Victorian times and used our asking questions tool to find out more information about what life was like during this time.

Year 2 – we have had such a fun-filled term! We have used our imagining tool to write leaflets, letters, reports and diary entries about the Great Fire of London. Watching our paper houses burn in the playground was certainly a highlight. We then moved onto our science topic of animals and humans. We learnt about the life cycle of butterflies from our class caterpillars which are currently in their cocoons. We have re-written our class story, ‘The Tadpole’s Promise’ in our own words, and we managed to write at least two pages each! In maths we have been focusing on addition and subtraction. We are now all very confident in using our reasoning tool to choose the most effective method.  

Year 3 – we have been on a whirlwind history tour of the Stone Age, Bronze Age, Iron Age and the invasion of the Romans! Along the way, we have delved deep into the caves of time and uncovered the first cave drawings created by a Stone Age boy, producing our own incredible drawings. We have discovered and created our own fossils with the help of Mary Anning and found out why all rocks are different. We finished by learning about the huge impact the Romans have had on modern day Britain!

Year 4/5 – one good thing to come from our bubble closure was the level of engagement on Tapestry and in the zoom lessons. The standard of children’s work has been outstanding. We asked children to re-tell the Egyptian creation story and were inundated with short films, animation, readings from scrolls, puppets, drawings and collages. Thank you so much children, we loved seeing your work and how brilliantly you have been making links and applying your existing knowledge. We would also like to commend you all on how well you dealt with the closure, it was so inconvenient for everyone, many of you who had plans, appointments and lives to lead which all had to be put on hold! We were all so happy to be back on Wednesday!

Year 6 – we have quite literally been living, sleep and breathing ‘The Mayans’! We have had a fantastic term of cross-curricular learning, integrating our History topic of ‘The Maya civilisation’ into almost every aspect of our learning. In maths, we learnt about the Maya number system, focusing on the development of the number 0! In History, we have learnt about how the Maya lived with a final analytical activity focusing on what ‘The Maya’ did for us today. In RE, we learnt about the Maya creation story and made links with other creation stories we have learnt about before. We were also able to link this to our science topic of evolutions as there were great similarities between the Maya creation story and aspects of the Evolution theory. In literacy, we explored figurative language to create some amazing Mayan architecture inspired poems. In art, we designed and made our own Maya inspired masks and we even managed to make links with PE this term, learning all about the popular ancient Maya sport – Pok-a-tok. It has been a fantastic half term of learning and we are really proud of what each and every single one of our Y6s have achieved.

Star Pupils this Week

Reception – Massa, Sadija, Elena, Rita

Year 1 – Princess, Digby, Abduljamil. Dilan

Year 2 – Eddie, Izzy, Amber, Margot R

Year 3 – Nate. Elizabeth, Finn, Ethan 

Year 4/5 – Wendy, Lily, Skye, Daniel, Mirabel, Luca

Year 6 – Omari, David, Nayan, Azariah


Acorn Awards this week

Green Acorn Awards  – 75 points!

Reception – Vida

Year 2 – Teddy

Bronze Acorn Awards  – 150 points!

Reception – Dominic, Annabel, Lilibeth, Allanah, Dana, Princess, Stanley

Year 2 – Hameeda

Year 4/5 – Shanice

Silver Acorn Awards – 250 points!

Year 3 – Heve, Ava

Year 4/5 – Myelle, Isla, Valentina, Azra, Semi


House Points 

178 200 205



Half Term Activities

Can you write a speech about ‘What the World Needs Now’??

Listen to the song here and think about what we need more of to help each other.

We would like you to chat to your child about what they think the world needs now. They can then craft a short 2- or 3-minute speech sharing their thoughts, children will get to perform their speech to their class.

A speech from each year group will then be selected and recorded by a sound engineer. Dulwich Prep have a TEDx Studio licence for TEDx Dulwich and have invited us to get involved. This is a new and exciting collaboration project, we know we have many outstanding pupils at Dulwich Wood who will have amazing and original ideas. Please make sure your child knows about this fantastic opportunity and is given the option to take part.


Other Activities:

Reading: make sure that you are reading every night using Bug Club (Rec, Y1, Y2) or MyOn (Y3-Y6)

Spelling: look at Tapestry each week for your spelling words to practise. (Y1 – Y6)

Maths: practise your maths skills using Numbots (Y1 & Y2) OR Times Table Rock Stars (Y2 – Y6)

Please set limitations for your children, certainly no more than 1 hour & definitely not just before bed!




Dates for your Diary

Mon 31st May – Fri 4th Jun Half Term Break 
Mon 7th Jun  Children return to school
Fri 11th Jun FODW Fun Run (see poster)
Mon 12th July Learning Reviews (school closed to children) 
Fri 23rd Jul  Last day of Term (School closes at 1:00pm, No Emu Club)








We are all so excited about the Fun Run on Friday 11th June.

Please get involved by encouraging your children to gather sponsors and helping them decide on a fun fancy-dress outfit to wear.

We would love you to come along and watch your child take part in the event and, if you are able to, make a donation of cakes or biscuits for the refreshment stall. These would need to be dropped off at the school before 9am on Friday 11th June. All the proceeds from the Fun Run will go to developing a tree house play space in the wooded area at the top of the playground for all children to use.

There will also be a Fruity Friday stall for children to spend £1.



Dulwich Wood Dinner Menu

Monday 7th  Tuesday 8th  Wednesday 9th  Thursday 10th  Friday 11th 
Meal A  Cheese and Tomato Pizza with Cajun Potato Wedges Beef Lasagne with a Garlic & Herb Bread Wedge Roasted Chicken with Roast Potatoes and Gravy Beef Bolognese with Pasta Crispy Fish Fillet and Chips
Meal B Vegetable Supreme Pizza with Cajun Potato Wedges Macaroni Cheese Vegetarian Sausages with Roast Potatoes and Gravy Quorn Bolognese with Pasta Veggie Nuggets and Chips
Meal C Filled Jacket Potato Filled Jacket Potato Filled Jacket Potato Filled Jacket Potato Filled Jacket Potato
Vegetables Sweetcorn, Broccoli & Cauliflower Medley Carrots & Broccoli Peas & Cabbage Broccoli & Sweetcorn Baked Beans & Peas
Salad Bar Tomato, Cucumber, Lettuce, Carrot Tomato, Cucumber, Lettuce, Sweetcorn Tomato, Cucumber, Lettuce, Peppers Tomato, Cucumber, Lettuce, Carrot Tomato, Cucumber, Lettuce, Sweetcorn
Desserts Yoghurt & Fresh Fruit Slices Yoghurt & Fresh Fruit Salad Yoghurt & Fresh Fruit Salad Yoghurt & Fresh Fruit Salad Yoghurt & Fresh Fruit Slices

Cheese & Biscuits with Grapes & Apples

Friday 28th May 2021