Learning Journey – ‘Our World through Time’

Dear Parents/Carers,

Find out about all the brilliant learning that has been happening across the school this week.

Reception: we looked at two different texts: ‘Prince Cinders’ and ‘The Worst Princess’ which sparked some really interesting discussions around traditional fairy tales as well as stereotypes and gender roles.

Year 1: we have continued to find out about what toys were like at different times in the past, and then compare to more modern toys. We have also ordered key events in chronological order using a timeline and imagining what toys may look like in the future.

Year 2: we have been historians this week, researching life in the Stuart & Tudor era. Using our collaboration tool, we organised and presented the information to our peers. Based on our research project, we have also been writing all the known facts about 1666, and we used our empathy goggles to write a diary entry from the perspective of a child on the first day of the great fire.

Year 3: we have been finishing our book, ‘The First Drawing’ and have learnt that people have been drawing for more than thirty thousand years! We have also been creating a fact file about Skara Brae using information from a variety of sources.

Year 4/5: we have been learning about Egyptian gods; what they represented, their family connections and the symbolism of items associated with their appearance.  We created fact files about a variety of these gods and shared our findings with our peers.

Year 6: we continued to read ‘Rain Player’ which allowed us to use our planning tool and asking questions tool. The children started to think about the themes, style and how they could incorporate this into creating their own ending to the story. Because this is a non-fiction text written in the style of fiction, they have used their making links tool to embed their knowledge of the Maya Civilisation.

Eid Assembly – Monday 17th May

We are delighted to be able to wish all our Muslim families a very Happy Eid at the end of next week. We would like it if your children could tell us how they celebrated their special day in our Eid Assembly on Monday 17th May.

Muslim children are invited to wear their Eid clothes and bring in something to show in Assembly.

Star Pupils this Week

Reception – Chiagozie, Alice, Astrid, Freya

Year 1 – Bea, Arlen, Tyrai, Miina

Year 2 – Nathan M, Junior, Charlotte, Rudy

Year 3 – Alma, Dylan, Raheemat, Joey

Year 4/5 – Malachi, Laurie, Hafsa, Maria, Otto, Fabiana

Year 6 – Faeyaleescia, Yago, Isabella, Ryan 


Acorn Awards this week

Green Acorn Awards  – 75 points!

Year 4/5 – Marley

Bronze Acorn Awards  – 150 points!

Year 1 – Alexis, Amber, Digby, Israel, Macy-Jae, Asya, Bea, Elshaday, Hector, Juno, Sofia, Arlen, Harry, Ilara, Luna, Princess, Rhisley,

Year 2 – Stanley, Amber, Marialey, Jason, Mylah, Charlotte, Kelechi, Mathis, Precious, Rudy

Year 3 – Isaac

Year 4/5 – Dario, Malachi, Blake, Lanaia, Frank, Luca, Jubril


Silver Acorn Awards – 250 points!

Year 4/5 – Nina, Princess


House Points 

160 176 188


Dates for your Diary

Mon 31st May – Fr 4th Jun Half Term Break  (Children return to school on Mon 7th June) 
Mon 12th July Learning Reviews – date change. 






Dulwich Wood Dinner Menu

Monday 10th  Tuesday 11th  Wednesday 12th  Thursday 13th  Friday 14th 
Meal A  Cheese and Tomato Pizza with Cajun Potato Wedges Beef Lasagne with a Garlic & Herb Bread Wedge Roasted Chicken with Roast Potatoes and Gravy Beef Bolognese with Pasta Crispy Fish Fillet and Chips
Meal B Vegetable Supreme Pizza with Cajun Potato Wedges Macaroni Cheese Vegetarian Sausages with Roast Potatoes and Gravy Quorn Bolognese with Pasta Veggie Nuggets and Chips
Meal C Filled Jacket Potato Filled Jacket Potato Filled Jacket Potato Filled Jacket Potato Filled Jacket Potato
Vegetables Sweetcorn, Broccoli & Cauliflower Medley Carrots & Broccoli Peas & Cabbage Broccoli & Sweetcorn Baked Beans & Peas
Salad Bar Tomato, Cucumber, Lettuce, Carrot Tomato, Cucumber, Lettuce, Sweetcorn Tomato, Cucumber, Lettuce, Peppers Tomato, Cucumber, Lettuce, Carrot Tomato, Cucumber, Lettuce, Sweetcorn
Desserts Yoghurt & Fresh Fruit Slices Yoghurt & Fresh Fruit Salad Yoghurt & Fresh Fruit Salad Yoghurt & Fresh Fruit Salad Yoghurt & Fresh Fruit Slices

Cheese & Biscuits with Grapes & Apples

Friday 7th May 2021