Learning Journey – ‘Our World through Time’

Dear Parents/Carers,

Find out about all the brilliant learning that has been happening across the school this week in our History Learning Journey.

Reception: we have been enjoying reading the story about ‘The Night Pirates’ by Peter Harris and Deborah Allwright.  The children have enjoyed role playing in the pirate ship and making a variety of props such as treasure maps, pirate hats, telescopes and pirate flags.  For our ‘Big Write’ we looked through our magic telescopes and wrote about what we could see.

Year 1: we have been using our History skills to focus on the past, present and future by categorising toys that are from the modern day and those that are from Victorian times. We have been highlighting the differences in design and using our making links tool to focus on the materials they are made from relating to our science topic ‘Everyday Materials’   

Year 2: we’ve been learning all about the Great Fire of London that happened in 1666. Using our ‘imagining tool’, we were able to travel around London and describe some of the famous landmarks as tour guides. We have also been comparing the differences between London then and London now. 

Year 3: we have been finding out about life in the Stone Age and how Stone Age people changed from being hunters and gatherers to living on farms. We researched the crops they grew, the animals they had and what their houses were like. We have also linked our history to literacy and art by writing about an experience seeing a woolly mammoth and creating our own cave paintings.

Year 4/5:  we have been learning about the Ancient Egyptians and the process of mummification.  We found out how they embalmed a body and then replicated this process on tomatoes in our classrooms.  We then formed predictions about how these might change compared to the control tomatoes which we did nothing to.

Year 6:  we have been learning about Maya writing, which is over 2,000 years old, we used logograms and syllabograms to recognise the history and the influences of this writing system, using the symbols and alphabets to write our own names.   

Star Pupils this Week

Reception – Mary-Jo, Azariah, Ariah, Noah

Year 1 – Sofia, Archie, Oscar, Eimear

Year 2 – Lilianna, Eskander, Fabian, Hameeda 

Year 3 – Belinda, Thelma, Ysmael, Greta H

Year 4/5 – Seren, Marley, Lanaia, Emilie, Tabitha, Jake

Year 6 – Isla, Sinan, Tatiana, Louis


Acorn Awards this week

Green Acorn Awards  – 75 points!

Reception – Elena, Nyrelle, Teddy, Dhamari, Noah F, Kailah, Lev, Zoe

Year 1 – Binky

Bronze Acorn Awards  – 150 points!

Year 1 – Archie, Harrison, Jiuliana, Indigo, Mikel, Wren, Carlota, Eira, Kate, Kelly, Kiyana, Miina

Year 2 – Nathan M, Nathan T, Sapphire, Victor, Fabio, Yasmina, Margot R, Margot D, Max, Maya Rose, Abubakkarr, Yaseen

Year 3 – Fabio

Year 4/5 – Alex, Shanell, Delphina, George, Amandine, Calista, Irie, Rahim, Ava, Hafsa, Ralph

Year 6 – David, Azariah, Star, Tatiana, Faeyaleescia


House Points 

152 172 181


Dates for your Diary

Mon 3rd May Bank Holiday 
Thurs 6th May  School Closed – Polling Station   
Fri 7th May  NSPCC Numbers Day 
Mon 31st May – Fr 4th Jun Half Term Break  (Children return to school on Mon 7th June) 
Mon 12th July Learning Reviews – date change. 










NSPCC Numbers Day

On Friday 7th May we will be raising money for the NSPCC by holding a ‘numbers day’. Throughout the day children will be taking part in all sorts of fun numeracy activities, get them on their Numbots and Timetables Rockstar (TTRS) games over the Bank holiday weekend so they are ready to show what they know.

The House Captains would like all children to bring in British coins of any denomination on the day, we are going to have a house competition to see which house can make the line of coins with the highest value. All proceeds will go to the NSPCC.

We will also be awarding the times tables cup to the House which wins the TTRS competition.

Please email your child’s key stage leader if you need a reminder of passwords.


Missing Scooter

Unfortunately, the new red Maxi Micro LED scooter that was taken out of the front playground on Monday 19th April has still not be returned.

As you know only Y1 to Y3 children use this playground and adults are still not able to come onto the school premises, so the only possible explanation is that a child took it out of the playground by mistake.

Therefore, please check again that your child doesn’t have the red scooter which belongs to a child in Year 1, it has her name on it, and return it to the school.


Dulwich Wood Dinner Menu

Monday 3rd  Tuesday 4th  Wednesday 5th  Thursday 6th  Friday 7th 
Meal A  BANK HOLIDAY  BBQ Meatballs with pasta Roast Turkey with Roast Potatoes and Gravy SCHOOL CLOSED 


Crispy Fish Fingers and Chips
Meal B Tomato and Basil Pasta Quorn Roast with Roast Potatoes and Gravy Quorn Dippers and Chips
Meal C Filled Jacket Potato Filled Jacket Potato Filled Jacket Potato
Vegetables Peas & Carrots Carrots & Cabbage Baked Beans & Peas
Salad Bar ‘Salad of the Day’, Tomato, Cucumber, Lettuce, Sweetcorn ‘Salad of the Day’, Tomato, Cucumber, Lettuce, Peppers ‘Salad of the Day’, Tomato, Cucumber, Lettuce, Sweetcorn
Desserts Yoghurt & Fresh Fruit Salad Yoghurt & Fresh Fruit Salad Cheese & Biscuits with Grapes & Apples

Friday 30th April 2021