Our Learning Journey – Welcome to Our World

Thank you to everyone who ‘attended’ our virtual Learning Reviews, we are glad so many of you took up this opportunity to speak directly to class teachers about your child’s learning. The next learning review will be on Monday 22nd February 2021.


Our learning this week…

Reception – We have been target setting!!  Each child has written a sentence about what they hope to achieve, with lots of hard work and perseverance, by the summer term. The teachers will keep it safe, and the children can open it in July. In phonics we have been revising the phase 2 sounds, and in maths we have started to practise counting on and back. Every Friday we visit Celebration Assembly, which we love, we have been learning the golden rap and are very excited to now have ‘Stars of the Week’ like the rest of the school!!

Year 1 – We are loving ‘Dinosaurs and all that rubbish’; focusing on using fantastic adjectives as well as writing some amazing simile sentences about the dinosaurs in our story. In maths we have revisited addition and children have been using number lines to count on to work out answers to addition number sentences. We have also been focusing on the important skill of evaluation, assessing what went well and what improvements we can make to our free-standing structures.

Year 2 – Virtual Year 2 have thoroughly impressed us this week!! They took out their Dulwich Wood Learning Toolkits, and used each one of their tools to tackle the work that we set them at home. We saw their Imagination Tool being used when writing, performing and drawing artwork to link to the poems they wrote. Their Reasoning Tool was evident when writing emails to the Owl and the Pussy cat about which material was most suitable for their boat. We also saw lots of children persevering with their work, responding to feedback and learning from their mistakes. We feel very lucky to have such hardworking children in our year group, everyone was invited to stand up in Celebration Assembly and the whole school gave them a very loud clap!!

Year 3 – We started our new book this week; Escape from Pompei. We’ve been using our imagining tool to create impressive written descriptions of Pompeii before the eruption. We are all very excited to discover what happens next. In maths we have been learning all about money. Perhaps your child could help you do the shopping this weekend and work out how much change you should get from £1 if you buy certain items! During science, we had great fun discovering all about bones and what life would be like without them!

Year 4/5 – This week we have been learning about metamorphosis in our science lessons.  We explored the life cycle and changes in newts, butterflies, frogs and dragonflies.  We have also been learning about the continent of South America and used atlases to help us identify the many different countries it is made up of, we did some of this work in Spanish!! In RE we have been considering some big questions about the existence of God, the children were incredibly mature and respectful of each other’s views and beliefs. Several children brought in additional information about their religions and shared with confidence and pride. Some children insisted on reciting prayers they knew by heart, showing key clips and short videos. They were also keen to learn about and acknowledge the views of humanists and consider why some people chose to be atheists.

Year 6 – We have been working for the ‘New York Times’ as journalists to gather information for our newspaper report deadline next week. We have been using our imagining tools to play the role of reporters! Asking questions and interviewing various characters and eye witnesses to find out who is to blame for the tragic death of King Kong! We have all enjoyed using our acting skills to get into role and deepen our understanding of the story, showing great empathy for Kong. We will be using these skills to report more on the story next week.


Star Pupils of the Week

This week the Class Teachers have chosen these Star Pupils and we celebrated their learning in our Zoom Assembly this morning.

Reception A  Lilibeth & Alex
Reception B   Stanley & Lev
Year 1A Harry & Juliana
Year 1B Ida & Rhoda
Year 2A Keren & Victor
Year 2B Rudy & Jason
Year 3A Dylan & Olaf
Year 3B Samuel & Hector
Year 4/5A Fatima & Muzakkir
Year 4/5B Ellie & Isabelle
Year 4/5C Ariyana & Anaiah
Year 6A Jubril & Amelie
Year 6B Majeedah & Faeyaleescia

Green Acorn Awards – 75 points! 

4/5B:  Alfred, Blake, Calista, Lanaia, Mirabel

4/5C: Tahlisa, Anaiah, Jadon

6A: Ibrahim


Home Learning – Tapestry

Thank you to all the Parents who have been encouraging their children to work through the 9 additional winter activities we set on tapestry last week. Please re-visit, as the deadline for most activities is December 14th.

Please check Tapestry for this week’s home learning. In addition to the weekly spellings you will also see a maths sheet to consolidate the learning from the week.  Please continue to log into Timestable Rockstars/Numbots and read daily.  Fortnightly ‘Learning Logs’ will begin after the Christmas Break.

School Uniform Wednesdays

·         Uniform orders can be placed and paid for on the Schools Buddy App at any time.

·         They can be collected from the Office on Wednesdays between 2.30 and 3.30pm.

·         Orders received from Wednesday through to Tuesday will then be available to collect the following Wednesday.

·         If you are unable to make the collection window then please contact the office to make alternative arrangements.


School Photos

The photographer will be returning to school on Monday 7th December to take individual photos of Year 2 children, and any children who were absent on Wednesday.

Protect our Local Trees

Please sign this petition to save the Cox’s Walk Footbridge Oak Trees which Southwark Council intend to remove.  Sign the petition here.


Key Stage 2 Reminders

Year 4/5 and Year 6, must be in school before 8.50 (gates open at 8.35 am). They may only enter via the back gate. If your child is going to be late you must inform the office and arrangements will be made to get your child safely to their bubble. House points are awarded for punctuality so if your child is late they are letting down their House down as well as missing their early morning work.

Parents are not permitted to park anywhere around the back-car park gate, please park away from there and walk around to collect your child. We are receiving complaints from local residents who quite rightly, are very upset that they are being disturbed and inconvenienced by illegal parking.

On Wednesday 9th December all Year 3, Year 4/5 and Year 6 children will be going to St Stephen’s Church, in their year group bubbles, to film for the virtual KS2 show. If you don’t want your child to be in the video please email Mrs Jary, if we don’t hear from you we will assume that we have your consent.


Christmas Charity – Shoebox Challenge

As you may have seen from our email earlier this week, it has been brought to our attention that our values and those of the charity Samaritan’s Purse are not aligned, but we have had such fantastic engagement from across the school that we wanted to make sure all that hard work didn’t go to waste!

So, the great news is we’re going to partner with The Salvation Army who will make sure our shoeboxes reach children in our area by sharing them alongside the many food parcels they have to go out.  They asked us to ‘thank the children on their behalf for such a thoughtful and kind gesture!’ If you haven’t made yours yet there is still time – the deadline is 14th of December.

1.     Find a shoe box & decorate

2.    Fill with age appropriate gifts

3.    Wrap your box in Christmas Paper but ensure the lid can be removed so your child can show what is in there.

Bring your shoebox to school by Monday 14th December.

Calendar Dates

Christmas Jumper Day/ Christmas Lunch Friday 11th December

Virtual Festive Talent Show Entries Due – Friday 11th December

Last Day of Autumn Term (School Closed in the afternoon, No EMU Club) – Friday 18th December

First Day of Spring Term – Tuesday 5th January 2021

Who do I contact if I have a concern or question?

If you have a query about your child’s learning or Tapestry please contact the Senior Leader responsible for that year group.

Reception – Miss Greenaway, Deputy Head (ogreenaway@dulwichwood.com)

Year 1 – Miss Castle, Assistant Head (gcastle@dulwichwood.com)

Year 2 & Year 6 – Miss Davies, Assistant Head (hdavies@dulwichwood.com)

Year 3, Year 4, Year 5 – Mrs Jary, Deputy Head (hjary@dulwichwood.com)

If you have a query about Schools Buddy or uniform please contact the office. (office@dulwichwood.com)


Dulwich Wood Dinner Menu

Week Commencing 7th December 2020

Monday 7th  Tuesday 8th  Wednesday 9th  Thursday 10th  Friday 11th 
Meal A Chicken Burger with Cajun Potato Wedges Chicken Korma with Rice Beef Cottage Pie Golden Fish Fingers and Chips Christmas Lunch & Christmas Jumper Day 

Tasty Mains

Roast Turkey Breast


Roasted Veg & Cranberry Slice

with Santa’s Crispy Roast Potatoes, Stuffing & Chicken Sausage with Gravy

Veggie Sides

Santa’s Veg  (Peas & Carrots )

Yummy Desserts

Elf’s Festive Chocolate Cookies,

 Ice Cream & Fresh Fruit

Meal B The Incredible Burger with Cajun Potato Wedges Veggie Korma with Rice Vegetable Cottage Pie Quorn Dippers and Chips
Meal C Filled Jacket Potato Filled Jacket Potato Filled Jacket Potato Filled Jacket Potato
Vegetables Peas & Sweetcorn Green Beans & Carrots Sweetcorn & Broccoli Peas & Baked Beans
Salad Bar ‘Salad of the Day’, Tomato, Cucumber, Lettuce, Carrot ‘Salad of the Day’, Tomato, Cucumber, Lettuce, Sweetcorn ‘Salad of the Day’, Tomato, Cucumber, Lettuce, Carrot ‘Salad of the Day’, Tomato, Cucumber, Lettuce, Sweetcorn
Desserts Yoghurt & Fresh Fruit Salad Yoghurt & Fresh Fruit Slices Yoghurt & Fresh Fruit Bowl Yoghurt & Fresh Fruit Slices


Friday 4th December 2020