Friday 9th July 2021

Learning Journey – ‘Global Identities’

A snapshot of our week at Dulwich Wood:

Reception – this week we have been looking at two different books: ‘Unfortunately’ and ‘You Choose’. The children have been fantastic at using their imagining learning tool to come up with their own ideas and to write more complex sentences, using ‘because’ to justify them. We had a visitor (Aiden’s Mum), a doctor who is a gastroenterologist. She gave us a really fun and practical explanation of how our guts work and the journey of the food through our body so that we can stay healthy.

Year 1 – we have started reading Eileen Browne’s ‘Handa’s Surprise’, we made predictions about where the story may be set and what may happen! We looked at passion fruits, mangoes, pineapples and Kiwis to help us create some wonderful noun phrases! We then became fruit sellers at the end of the week using our noun phrases and a range of punctuation to help sell our fruits! It was amazing!

Year 2 – we have been learning more about Crystal Palace, focusing on using map skills in preparation for our school trip. We were able to label the main attraction points in the park using directional language. We also found a mysterious box in the classroom and using our detective skills, we immediately started to make lots of predictions based on the evidence. At first, we thought it came from the Crystal Palace but soon we realised they were not connected. Either way, we have definitely been using our making links tool.

Year 3 – we have continued on our journey through India, we completed an atlas challenge which involved finding India’s most famous landmarks then finished our book, The Cloud Tea Monkeys, and we are very proud to announce that we have been promoted to Deputy Tea Tasters! Our next challenge, to become Head Tea Tasters, is to produce a report entitled, ‘The Magic of Tea’. We have mind showered questions that we what to find the answers to, so, the next step, is to complete our research!

Year 4/5 – we have continued reading our text ‘Odyssey’, writing detailed character descriptions about three of the creatures Odysseus encountered on his journey back home to Ithaca. We challenged ourselves by including metaphors, alliteration, onomatopoeia and much more figurative language devices. In Science, we investigated separating mixtures using scientific methods – evaporation, filtration, magnetic attraction and sieving. We enjoyed working scientifically and learnt that sometimes, science can be incredibly messy!

Year 6 – we started our week using our collaboration tool to take part in our own sports day! We worked in teams to compete against each other in various sporty challenges. We played rounders, dodge ball, races and volley ball. It was great to see everyone working together to achieve an end goal. We persevered through the unpredictable weather and had a great day! Only 2 weeks left of Year 6, we have lot’s more fun things planned and are getting really into our School of Rock filming!

Star Pupils this week

Reception – Mary-Joe, Darren, Abubaker, Dana

Year 1 – Harrison, Habibah, Natalia, Ostin

Year 2 – Kerem, Brandon, Arlen, Marialey

Year 3 – Brooke, Antonella, Daisy, Giaime

Year 4/5 – Fatima, Muzzakir, Lanaia, Rylan, Azra, Aryd

Year 6 – Mary-Kate, Ingrid, Banjugu, Majeedah


Acorn Awards this week

Bronze Acorn Awards – 150 points!

Year 2 – Teddy

Year 4/5 – Daniel K


Silver Acorn Awards – 250 points!

Year 1 – Dilan, John

Year 2 – Nathan, Leayah, Nathan, Sonny, Eskandar, Fabio, Marialey, Yasmina, Margot R, Maya Rose, Abubakkar, Charlotte, Kelechi, Precious,

Year 3 – Nate, Kai, Samuel,

Year 4/5 – Alex, Shanell

Year 6 – Felwa, Shania, Charles, Majeedah


House Points 

205 225 226



Dates for your Diary

Sat 10th July: FODW Summer Fair 1pm – 6pm (ticketed event, see poster below)

Mon 12th July: Learning Reviews (school closed to children)

Tues 20th July: Bring your Happy Bags to School 

Fri 23rd July: Last day of Term (School closes at 1:00pm, No Emu Club)


Learning Reviews

You will have received your child’s End of Year Report by email today. Please read through ahead of the Learning Review on Monday. If you haven’t booked your appointment please contact the office first thing Monday morning. It is so important that you and your child attend this zoom learning review to discuss their goals for next year and to find out who their new teacher is going to be in September.



We are looking forward to welcoming you tomorrow to our Summer Fair.

As you know for Covid reasons this year the fair is a ticketed event, everyone who attends the fair must have a ticket and arrive at their allocated slot. The ticket includes a visit to the petting farm, a go on the mega slide and 5 minutes on the bouncy castle. There will be a one way system in operation and we ask that you work with us by following the system and staying in your family bubble. 

To avoid disappointment if you would like to have a BBQ lunch you can book a time slot and pay on line before you arrive at the fair.

Due to Covid the fair is cashless, you can buy tokens however on the day. There will be lots of things to spend your tokens on, splat the rat or the Teacher, beat the goalie, plants, crafts, books and toys and much much more.  There will be a bar, BBQ and other food available to purchase on the day with your tokens.



Today your child has brought home a Happy Bag, we hope you can fill it with unwanted clothes, shoes, and handbags because Dulwich Wood gets money per kilo. A big thank you to the lower school Parents at Dulwich College who have filled 40 bags for us.  Please return your Happy Bag by the 21st of July.