Friday 23rd October 2020

Our Learning Journey – Together Again


We started our year, reading the story ‘Colour Monster’ which helped us to talk about our feelings, and how we felt about coming back to school. Then we read the book Mixed, which helped us to think about how we are the same, and how we are different to our friends, and also to celebrate diversity! As part of Black History Month, we have been learning about African traditional tales with Anansi. We also learnt about the life of Dr Moody, which made us think about the struggle against racism. He was also a great doctor so the children enjoyed being doctors in the role play area.


Year 1

Throughout our learning journey this half term we have been exploring our feelings and emotions. Being together again has allowed our children to share and express their experiences throughout lock down. We have explored numerous texts centred around exploration and worries children may have. We have provided children with the chance to view situations from alternative perspectives, and have been focusing on how we use the our ‘Empathy Goggles’ to help us understand the world around us. Children have created some fantastic pieces of work including designing their own worry monster and exploring character traits in our Black History month focus book ‘Mixed’.


Year 2

What a fantastic half term this has been! We’ve seen a huge progression in the children’s place value knowledge in maths. We can see they are becoming more confident mathematicians who use their reasoning tool to explain their strategies. The books that we have been reading have thoroughly engaged them with our learning journey. As the children have connected with the characters, they have been able to use their Empathy Goggles to write letters & diary entries. We look forward to new adventures in the next half term!


Year 3

Our learning journey; Together Again, has focused on settling the children back into school. We have examined and discussed themes such as empathy, kindness, confidence, growth mindset and effective listening. We have been really impressed by the children’s level of participation and their sensitive contributions in our literacy sessions which link to our learning journey, we have read three great books; Here We Are, Sparky and The Heart in the Bottle. We have reviewed and extended our grammatical knowledge and writing skills. The children have produced some really imaginative pieces of writing including dialogues, character descriptions and creating their own stories which the children then published in origami books which they made themselves!


Year 4/5

For this half term’s Learning Journey, Together Again, we have focussed on themes related to well-being, our place in the world, feelings of belonging and our emotional responses. We have used a variety of stimuli for our writing and had a lot of discussion-based learning, where we shared our thoughts and feelings around a given topic. Everyone loved finding out about ‘The Lost Thing’ and Windrush Rush Day was another highlight for us this half term!


Year 6

To celebrate being ‘Together Again’ we have really focused on using our empathy goggles. We have explored a range of characters in different texts and this has allowed us to make links with experiences we have shared during this time. The children were able to identify and learn about many important themes including; immigration, race and equality through use of drama, diaries, formal letters and art. We have been so impressed with how well the children have engaged with their learning by asking fantastic questions.


Star Pupils of the Week

This week the Class Teachers have chosen these Star Pupils and we celebrated their learning in our Zoom Assembly this morning.

Year 1A Hector & Eira
Year 1B Bryanna & Aiden
Year 2A Ruan & Lilith
Year 2B Arlen & Ezekiel
Year 3A Nate & Gerard
Year 3B Dino & Daisy
Year 4/5A Alex & Wendy
Year 4/5B Frank & Mirabel
Year 4/5C Jake & Fabiana
Year 6A Denisa & Ibrahim
Year 6B Jakub & Charles 

Green Acorn Awards – 75 points! 

Year 2A: Pearl 

Year 3A: Dylan, Gerard, Nouvelle, Olaf, Belinda, Kai, Molly, Nehemiah, Belle

Year 3B: Cass, Greta L, Lola, Mia, Daisy, Morgan, Raheemat, Ysmael, Anna, Hector, Kuzey, Scarlett

Year 4/5C: Princess, Tabitha


Dulwich Wood Children Care about their Community

Show Racism the Red Card

Last Friday we raised £316.52 for ‘Show Racism the Red Card Charity’ by wearing red. We also had a whole school dance party and a very special lunch.  Show Racism the Red Card is an education charity committed to eradicating racism through education. The School Council would like to thank everyone for their support.


Harvest Festival

Our Harvest Assembly on Monday (via Zoom) was quite different this year.  We sang the ‘Harvest Rock n Roll’ and Lara, the Chairperson of KETRA thanked the school for its support.

Father Bernhard made 2 videos for us which you can watch on You-Tube. Video 1 & Video 2

Thank you to everyone for all the donations for the KETRA Foodbank. If you need to access the food bank please contact or phone 07852986086.



Care Home Letters

This half term we have been taking part in a community letter writing project.   We have been partnered with Manley Court Care Home, so children put on their Empathy Goggles and imagined what it might be like to be in a care home during these difficult times. The letters the children have written are both heart-warming and heart felt, lots of the children included jokes, pictures and activities for the residents to do. Thank you to all the children who wrote letters!


Extracurricular Clubs

  • All clubs can be booked via Schools Buddy
  • Spanish and Steel Pans will be starting after half term
Club Year Groups Day & Cost
Ukulele Club Year 4 & Year 5 Tuesday – £3.50 weekly
Steel Pans Year 3, Year 4, Year 5 & Year 6 Wednesday – £3.50 weekly
Spanish Year 2 Wednesday – £3.50 weekly
Key Board Club Year 4, Year 5, Year 6 Thursday – £3.50 weekly
Key Board Club Year 4, Year 5, Year 6 Friday – £3.50 weekly


Learning Reviews

Thank you to everyone who attended the Meet the Teacher Sessions via Zoom.  I hope you found them useful.

We have been inundated with requests from Parents to have a 1 to 1 meeting with Class Teachers to discuss their child’s learning. We have allocated these dates for learning review:

  • Monday 30th November
  • Monday 22nd February
  • Monday 7th June

Given the continual review of our risk assessment, and reduced number of visitors on site, we have decided that this will be best done via scheduled 15-minute Zoom calls with Teachers. The only way we can logistically release all the teachers from their classes and maintain our year group bubbles will be to close the school on this one occasion.

This means that school will be closed for all children on Monday 30th November.

Bookings will be made via the school buddy system and can be booked from Monday 2nd November.


Who do I contact if I have a concern or question?

If you have a query about your child’s learning or Tapestry please contact the Senior Leader responsible for that year group.

Year 1 – Miss Castle, Assistant Head (

Year 2 & Year 6 – Miss Davies, Assistant Head (

Year 3, Year 4, Year 5 – Mrs Jary, Deputy Head (

If you have a query about Schools Buddy or uniform please contact the office. (


Half Term Design Challenge

Over the half term holiday all the children are being invited to work on designs and ideas for the improvement of the outdoor spaces around the school. Please get involved by chatting to your child about what they would like to see around the school grounds, over the coming months. Friends will be raising funds to spend on this project. Please check Tapestry for more information about this project.

Please buy a Christmas Tree from the school to raise money for this project! Order forms have been emailed out!

Dulwich Wood Dinner Menu

Week Commencing 2nd November 2020

Tuesday 3rd  Wednesday 4th  Thursday 5th  Friday 6th 
Meal A BBQ Beef Meatballs with Pasta Roast Chicken with Roast Potatoes & Gravy Beef Cottage Pie Salmon Fish Fingers & Chips
Meal B Cheese and Tomato Pizza with Potato Wedges Vegetable Pastry Slice with Roast Potatoes & Gravy Quorn Bolognese with Pasta Quorn Dippers with Chips
Meal C Filled Jacket Potato Filled Jacket Potato Filled Jacket Potato Filled Jacket Potato
Vegetables Green Beans & Cauliflower Carrots & Cabbage Sweetcorn & Roast Vegetables Baked Beans & Peas
Salad Bar Potato Salad, Tomato, Cucumber, Lettuce, Sweetcorn Pasta Salad, Tomato, Cucumber, Lettuce, Peppers Beetroot Salad, Tomato, Cucumber, Lettuce, Carrot Coleslaw, Tomato, Cucumber, Lettuce, Sweetcorn
Desserts Yoghurt & Fresh Fruit Slices Yoghurt & Fresh Fruit Bowl Yoghurt & Fresh Fruit Slices Cheese & Biscuits / Yoghurt & Fresh Fruit Salad