Our Learning Journey – Together Again

Black History Month at Dulwich Wood

Reception have been discussing diversity using the story ‘Mixed’ by Arree Chung. Next week we will be learning all about Dr Moody, one of the first doctors of colour who lived in Peckham. He campaigned for equal rights for everyone, so we will keep on talking about what is fair. We will also be reading the story of Anansi and exploring some African music.

Year 1 have been focussing on inspirational black Sportsmen who have made a fantastic impact both on and off the field. We have chosen to look at Marcus Rashford (MBE), who is not only an incredible young footballer but has campaigned tirelessly to ensure thousands of children were provided free school meals during lock down. We have contrasted Marcus Rashford with Walter Tull who was not only the first black British footballer but the first black man to lead the British army into battle. We will be looking at his bravery both on and off the field.

Year 2 have been really engaged with learning about Black History this week. We started off by using our empathy goggles when looking at equality in the book ‘Mixed’ by Arree Chung. We’ve had rich discussions about diversity where the children had the opportunity to share their thoughts and opinions on this matter. We have started to learn about the journalist and activist Claudia Jones who is known for standing up for black people’s rights. She is also recognised as the ‘Mother of Notting Hill Carnival.’ Next week, we’re looking forward to celebrating the end of term with a class carnival!

Year 3 Black History learning has involved making links with other subjects, in music we have been singing ‘I Wish I knew How It Would Feel To Be Free’ by Nina Simone and finding out all about her. In our class text ‘Here We Are’ we sang ‘What a Wonderful World’ and learnt about Louis Armstrong. In science we have been finding out about the brilliant scientist Charles Henry Turner.

Year 4/5 have been learning about the Windrush generation. First, we identified countries in the Caribbean and learnt about people of African descent in Britain before the WW2. We then role-played Caribbean immigrant’s arrival (in our best outfits) in Britain to understand the different experiences they had.

Year 6 have been looking at black representation and why it important. We discussed why it is essential to have positive role models and people that look like us in order to feel inspired. Year 6 have been using their empathy googles to understand the obstacles faced by many throughout history and the steps that have been taken to improve the future.

Star Pupils of the Week

This week the Class Teachers have chosen these Star Pupils and we celebrated their learning in our Zoom Assembly this morning.

Year 1A Amber & Elshaday
Year 1B Iman & Sennen
Year 2A Luciana & Bessie
Year 2B Gabriel & Mia 
Year 3A Heve & Jessica
Year 3B Mia & Benji
Year 4/5A Bella & Valentina 
Year 4/5B Hafsa & Ralph
Year 4/5C Jayden & Isabella
Year 6A Sinan & Eliza
Year 6B Banjugu & Sally 

Green Acorn Awards!

Our very first Green Acorn Awards for the year. Well done to these Children!

Year 3A: Aila, Heve, Ibrahim, Jessica, Tiana, Alma, Jack, Ava, Brooke, Elizabeth, Makeda, Thelma,

Year 3B: Joseph, Dino, Greta H, Isla

Celebration Cards

Children will be designing ‘Celebration Cards’ at school and bringing them home over the coming week. If you would like to place an order (cards, gift tags, wrapping paper and cups) please go to Cauliflower Group to register, then enter the school code (7375) and your child’s unique code which they can find on the top left corner of their order forms. Original artworks with the cover letter need to be returned by Friday 23rd October at the latest or your order won’t be processed.

Dulwich Wood Children Care about their Community

For our Harvest Festival this year, we will be supporting the KETRA Foodbank (Kingswood Estate Tenants and Residents Association). Please donate tinned or dried food items. We will be collecting items at the gate every morning next week. Caring is one of our core values, and it’s wonderful to see the children so involved in this project.

Maths at Home

Numbots: Year 1 and Year 2 children have access to Numbots, a programme that allows children to boost their addition and subtraction skills.

Times Table Rock Stars: Year 2, Year 3, Year 4/5 & Year 6 have access to Times Tables Rock Stars, a programme that allows them to practice their times tables.

All classes have now been sent their logins and passwords home so please make sure your child is accessing it weekly. This can be done via the app or on the website itself.  The idea is that they play little and often, and this will significantly improve their mathematical understanding.

Dulwich Wood Dinner Menu

Week Commencing 19th October 2020

Monday 19th Tuesday 20th Wednesday 21st Thursday 22nd Friday 23rd
Meal A Chicken and Pasta Bake Jerk Chicken with Rice and Peas Roast Beef with Roast Potatoes & Gravy Beef Lasagna with Garlic & Herb Bread Cod Fish Fingers & Chips
Meal B Mild Chilli Cheese Burrito Wrap Sweet Potato Burger with Potato Wedges Quorn Roast with Roast Potatoes & Gravy Veggie Korma with Rice Veggie Hot dog & Chips
Meal C Filled Jacket Potato Filled Jacket Potato Filled Jacket Potato Filled Jacket Potato Filled Jacket Potato
Vegetables Sweetcorn & Broccoli Cauliflower & Peas Carrots & Roast Parsnips Green Beans & Sweetcorn Baked Beans & Peas
Salad Bar Celery & Apple, Tomato, Cucumber, Lettuce, Carrots Potato Salad, Tomato, Cucumber, Lettuce, Sweetcorn Pasta Salad, Tomato, Cucumber, Lettuce, Peppers Beetroot Salad, Tomato, Cucumber, Lettuce, Carrot Coleslaw, Tomato, Cucumber, Lettuce, Sweetcorn
Desserts Yoghurt & Fresh Fruit Salad Yoghurt & Fresh Fruit Slices Yoghurt & Fresh Fruit Bowl Yoghurt & Fresh Fruit Slices Cheese & Biscuits / Yoghurt & Fresh Fruit Salad



Who do I contact if I have a concern or question?

If you have a query about your child’s learning, please contact the Senior Leader responsible for that year group.

Year 1 – Miss Castle, Assistant Head (gcastle@dulwichwood.com)

Year 2 & Year 6 – Miss Davies, Assistant Head (hdavies@dulwichwood.com)

Year 3, Year 4, Year 5 – Mrs Jary, Deputy Head (hjary@dulwichwood.com)

If you have a query about Schools Buddy or uniform please contact the office. (office@dulwichwood.com)

Friday 16th October 2020