Friday 6th November 2020

Our Learning Journey – Welcome to Our World

Welcome Back

I hope that all families had an enjoyable half term. The children returned enthusiastically on Tuesday, ready to share their amazing designs for the playground spaces, how impressive!!! Our Learning Journey this half term is ‘Welcome to our World’

Given the new national restrictions in effect from Thursday 5th November we have updated our school risk assessment. We have recommended that our staff wear a face covering where they cannot safely distance from other adults in enclosed spaces and at the gate. Class Teachers are not wearing masks in the classroom or on the playground.

The latest government guidance for education settings still allows us to provide Wrap Around Care and After School Clubs. Please note that bookings must be made 7 days in advance to ensure we have the correct staff/child ratios.

We know that this time is going to be difficult for many families. Please contact us if we can support you in any way. We will continue to provide the most consistent, and safest possible learning environment for all the children. This half term we will continue to support everyone’s mental health and well being and have planned events to bring joy to our school community like BBC Children in Need, Christmas Jumper Day, Christmas presents, and a few more surprise events (details to follow).

Our learning this week…

Reception – We have been continuing to learn more tales from West Africa about Anansi the trickster! He collected wisdom from his friends and put it in the pot. We have been collecting our own wisdom, like, always using our empathy googles to be kind, or to share, and always asking questions to find out more. In maths we have been practising recognising numerals, and matching them with their quantity. Phonics: We have learnt the sounds ck, e and u and the tricky words ‘the and ‘to’.

Year 1 – We have been focusing on a brand-new book Stanley’s Stick. This book is centred around using imagination, we have been using it as a stimulus for writing both character and setting descriptions. In maths we have introduced the concept of multiplication through repeated addition and have started to look at doubling by using dominoes. In geography we have been learning new mapping skills; looking at our school and the local area.

Year 2 – We have jumped straight into our new learning journey ‘Welcome to our World’ by studying different types of maps. We used our imagination tool when creating birds eye view maps of our classroom. Discovering an owl and a pussy cat in a boat by our lighthouse outside was exciting and helped us use our asking questions tool. We can’t wait to get stuck into the book!

Year 3 – We really had to use our ‘asking questions’ tool when we entered our classrooms which were full of junk this week! It provoked lots of excited discussion and writing. We are going to be finding out about an old man who tidies the rubbish in a junkyard and dreams of a better place. We are also working on a special art project with Miss Bishop. Don’t forget to send in your recycling for this project.

Year 4/5 – Mexico is our focus this half term in Geography. We have found it on the world map and have started learning about the human and physical features as well as the culture and festivals. We have also been working hard, using our perseverance tool to complete assessments in maths & reading.

Year 6 – The children have made a fantastic start to the term. They have really sunk their teeth into our new maths topic algebra and shown real perseverance in completing their first assessments for this year. The children used atlases to help them locate countries across all continents to know where Africa is, in preparation for learning about Morocco this term.


Number Facts & Times tables

Thanks to the Friends of Dulwich Wood for supporting us in learning our times tables! All the main stair cases now have times tables for us to chant as we walk around school! At home you can practise your number facts with Numbots and TTRS.



Star Pupils of the Week

This week the Class Teachers have chosen these Star Pupils and we celebrated their learning in our Zoom Assembly this morning.

Year 1A Ilara & Alexis
Year 1B Aysha & Oscar
Year 2A Pearl & Gilby
Year 2B Zafirah & Liliana
Year 3A Alma & Thelma
Year 3B Finn & Scarlett
Year 4/5A Raphael & Xaynee
Year 4/5B Amandine & Ellie
Year 4/5C Neli & Nina
Year 6A Danny & David
Year 6B Star & Shania

Green Acorn Awards – 75 points! 

Year 2A: Amelie, Naila, Izzy

Year 3B: Ethan, Finn, Samuel, Ilyas, Vitoria, Benji

Year 4/5B: Irie

Year 4/5C: Ariyana, Neli, Skye, Nina 

Extracurricular Clubs

All clubs can be booked via Schools Buddy

Club Year Groups Day & Cost
Ukulele Club Year 4 & Year 5 Tuesday – £3.50 weekly
Steel Pans Year 3, Year 4, Year 5 & Year 6 Wednesday – £3.50 weekly
Spanish Year 2 Wednesday – £3.50 weekly
Key Board Club Year 4, Year 5, Year 6 Thursday – £3.50 weekly
Key Board Club Year 4, Year 5, Year 6 Friday – £3.50 weekly


Learning Reviews

  • School will be closed on Monday 30th November
  • Appointments from 8:30am – 6:30pm
  • 15-minute Zoom calls with your child’s Class Teacher
  • Make your booking via Schools Buddy (contact the office if you need help booking your appointment)
  • You will receive the link when you book via Schools Buddy

Who do I contact if I have a concern or question?

If you have a query about your child’s learning or Tapestry please contact the Senior Leader responsible for that year group.

Reception – Miss Greenaway, Deputy Head (

Year 1 – Miss Castle, Assistant Head (

Year 2 & Year 6 – Miss Davies, Assistant Head (

Year 3, Year 4, Year 5 – Mrs Jary, Deputy Head (

If you have a query about Schools Buddy or uniform please contact the office. (


BBC Children in Need – Together We Can Day – 13th November

On Friday 13th November we will be raising money for BBC Children in Need. We would like to encourage everyone to wear something bright (with spots if possible) and donate £1 to Children in Need. Together we can make a difference in a time when it’s needed most.

Join the Dulwich Wood Community

We have a limited number of spaces available for children in Year 2, Year 3, Year 4/5. If you know anyone who would like to join the incredibly welcoming community of Dulwich Wood please ask them to contact the office for further details.


Calendar Dates

Together We Can Day (BBC Children in Need)  – Friday 13th November
Flu Immunisation  – Tuesday 24th November
Learning Reviews via Zoom (School Closed) – Monday 30th November
Christmas Jumper Day/ Christmas Lunch  – Friday 11th December
Last Day of Autumn Term (School Closed in the afternoon) – Friday 18th December
First Day of Spring Term  – Tuesday 5th January 2021

Kingswood Estate Black History Month Celebrations

Dulwich Wood Dinner Menu

Week Commencing 9th November 2020

Monday 9th  Tuesday 10th  Wednesday 11th  Thursday 12th  Friday 13th 
Meal A Chicken and Pasta Bake Jerk Chicken with Rice & Peas Roast Beef with Roast Potatoes & Gravy Beef Lasagne with Garlic & Herb Bread Wedge Cod Fish Fingers & Chips
Meal B Mild Chilli Cheese Burrito Wrap Sweet Potato Burger with Potato Wedges Quorn Roast with Roast Potatoes

& Gravy

Veggie Korma with Rice Veggie Hotdog & Chips
Meal C Filled Jacket Potato Filled Jacket Potato Filled Jacket Potato Filled Jacket Potato Filled Jacket Potato
Vegetables Sweetcorn & Broccoli Cauliflower & Peas Carrots & Roast Parsnips Green Beans & Sweetcorn Baked Beans & Peas
Salad Bar Celery & Apple, Tomato, Cucumber, Lettuce, Carrot Potato Salad, Tomato, Cucumber, Lettuce, Sweetcorn Pasta Salad, Tomato, Cucumber, Lettuce, Peppers Beetroot Salad, Tomato, Cucumber, Lettuce, Carrot Coleslaw, Tomato, Cucumber, Lettuce, Sweetcorn
Desserts Yoghurt & Fresh Fruit Salad Yoghurt & Fresh Fruit Slices Yoghurt & Fresh Fruit Bowl Yoghurt & Fresh Fruit Slices Cheese & Biscuits/ Yoghurt & Fresh Fruit Salad