Friday 9th October 2020

Our Learning Journey – Together Again

Thank you to everyone who attended the Meet the Teacher Sessions this week. We have emailed the presentation to everyone now.

We will be holding Learning Reviews next half term so you will be able to meet with your child’s class teacher. This will give you the opportunity to discuss your child’s progress this term.

Over the next few weeks, every class will be sharing the story ‘Mixed’ by Arree Chung. It shares the message of love and diversity in families in a very colourful way!  Through the exploration of this text the children will be able to discuss their similarities and differences which will enable them to be accepting of one another and will contribute towards building a community of equality.

Dulwich Wood will be supporting ‘Show Racism the Red Card’ on Friday 16th October.  School Council would like to encourage everyone to wear red in support and donate of £1 which will go towards helping to fund anti-racism education for young people and adults across the UK.



• Please check Tapestry every Friday for the weekly spelling list to practise.

• If you are not signed up to Tapestry please contact the Senior Leader responsible for your child’s year group.

• If your class is asked by Public Health to isolate then you will be able to access the learning each day on Tapestry, and your attendance will be recorded when you log on.

Go to the Tapestry Journal


Star Pupils of the Week

This week the Class Teachers have chosen these Star Pupils and we celebrated their learning in our Zoom Assembly this morning.

Year 1A Digby & Indigo
Year 1B Eimear & John
Year 2A Izzy & Sapphire
Year 2B Mylah & Abubakkar
Year 3A Aila & Nouvelle
Year 3B Kuzey & Raheemat
Year 4/5A Dario & Myelle
Year 4/5B Calista & Ceyla
Year 4/5C Destiny & Skye
Year 6A Emily & Bazit
Year 6B Tatiana & Martha


Year 1 Learning this week

This week our Year 1 children needed to use their investigation skills and their asking questions tool when they discovered a snowy footprint in their playground. When they discovered that the footprints belong to a very lonely Yeti they wrote to him and offered some advice. What a great week of learning in Year 1!


Join the Dulwich Wood Community

We have a limited number of spaces available for children in Year 2, Year 3, Year 4/5. If you know anyone who would like to join the incredibly welcoming community of Dulwich Wood please ask them to contact the office to arrange a socially distanced tour of the outside space with Miss Rowe.


Celebration Cards

Children will be designing ‘Celebration Cards’ at school and bringing them home over the coming week. If you would like to place an order (cards, gift tags, wrapping paper and cups) please go to Cauliflower Group to register, then enter the school code (7375) and your child’s unique code which they can find on the top left corner of their order forms. Original artworks with the cover letter need to be returned by Friday 24th October at the latest or your order won’t be processed.


Friends of Dulwich Wood

Many thanks to the Friends of Dulwich Wood for organising the Second-Hand Uniform Sale on Wednesday. Luckily the weather held out!

The staff and children are also very appreciative of your generous donation towards the cost of the ‘smooga’ barriers for the playground. All classes have their own designated playground for break time and lunchtime, and the barriers between the top and middle playground have helped the children to stay safe (and for balls to stay in their playground!).

Dulwich Wood Dinner Menu

Week Commencing 12th October 2020

Monday 12th Tuesday 13th Wednesday 14th  Thursday 15th Friday 16th
Meal A Chinese Chicken Noodles BBQ Beef Meatballs with Pasta Beef Cottage Pie Salmon Fish Finger & Chips BBQ Chicken with Jollof Rice
Meal B Tomato and Basil Pasta Cheese and Tomato Pizza with Potato Wedges Quorn Bolognese with Pasta Quorn Dippers with Chips Sweet Potato Stew with Rice & Green Salad
Meal C Filled Jacket Potato Filled Jacket Potato Filled Jacket Potato Filled Jacket Potato Filled Jacket Potato
Vegetables Peas & Carrots Green Beans & Cauliflower Sweetcorn & Roast Vegetables Baked Beans & Peas Fried Plantain
Salad Bar Celery & Apple, Tomato, Cucumber, Lettuce, Carrot Potato Salad, Tomato, Cucumber, Lettuce, Sweetcorn Beetroot Salad, Tomato, Cucumber, Lettuce, Carrot Coleslaw, Tomato, Cucumber, Lettuce, Sweetcorn Coleslaw, Tomato, Cucumber, Lettuce, Sweetcorn
Desserts Yoghurt & Fresh Fruit Salad Yoghurt & Fresh Fruit Slices Yoghurt & Fresh Fruit Slices Cheese & Biscuits/ Yoghurt & Fresh Fruit Salad Ginger Cake/ Fruit & ice-cream 


Who do I contact if I have a concern or question?

If you have a query about your child’s learning, please contact the Senior Leader responsible for that year group.

Year 1 – Miss Castle, Assistant Head (

Year 2 & Year 6 – Miss Davies, Assistant Head (

Year 3, Year 4, Year 5 – Mrs Jary, Deputy Head (

If you have a query about Schools Buddy or uniform please contact the office. (