Friday 23rd July 2021

Star Pupils this week

 The Whole of Reception 

 The Whole of Year 1

 The Whole of Year 2 

The Whole of Year 3 

The Whole of Year 4/5

The Whole of Year 6 


Acorn Awards this week

Green Acorn Awards – 75 points!

Reception – Pearl

Year 3 Giaime


Bronze Acorn Awards – 150 points!

Year 2 – Suraiya


Silver Acorn Awards – 250 points!

Reception – Alannah, Dana, Teddy

Year 1 Alexis, Amber, Harrison, Israel, Jiuliana, Macy-Jae, Asya, Elshaday, Hector. Mikel, Sofia, Wren, Arlen, Carlota

Year 2 – Stanley, Suraiya, Zafirah, Gabriel, Liliana, Ohemaa

Year 3 Isaac

Year 4/5 – Dario, Delphina, George, Amandine, Irie, Ava, Hafsa, Ralph

Year 6 Markiah, Danny, Amelie, Isabella, Tatiana, Yago, Jacob


Gold Acorn Awards – 400 points!  

Year 4/5 – Muzakkir, Holly, Rocco, Seren



House Points 

221 238 240


Staff leaving

It is with great sadness that we are saying goodbye to Miss Hayes our music Teacher. She has been a big part of Dulwich Wood Primary for more than 10 years and will be greatly missed. We wish her all the very best of luck in her new digital career. She has promised she will come back and help us with special events! A huge thank you to her for all her outstanding work with the children, she has helped us achieve so much and instilled a love of music in children right across the school.

We would also like to wish Mr Efrat the best of luck, he is re-locating over the Summer and has taken a teaching post nearer to where he lives. He has been an integral part in the Year4/5 Team and will be missed by both the children and the staff in Year 4/5. A big thank you to him for working so hard throughout this year.



Please see our list of Extracurricular Clubs for the Autumn Term:  Extracurricular Clubs – Autumn 2021

Please find information for September here – Information for September 2021



Summer Home Learning

Reading Sets You Free…

Please support your child to have a go at the Summer home learning, it can be done on staycation, in the library, at home, in the park. We really want them to keep on reading, online and real books and to practice their number work, we have called upon Carol Vorderman for that (thank you to Rocco’s Mum for the recommendation!).