Friday 14th May 2021

Learning Journey – ‘Our World through Time’

Dear Parents/Carers,

Find out about all the brilliant learning that has been happening across the school this week.

Reception – we started reading a new text: ‘I Will Not Ever Never Eat a Tomato’ by Lauren Child, about Lola, who is an extremely fussy eater. We had a couple of tasting sessions where the children had a go at trying some fruits and vegetables like mango, pomegranate, peppers, peas, okra, beetroot, coconut etc. The children were very adventurous and willing to give everything a little try which then inspired some interesting discussions and writing.

Year 1 – we have been using our planning tool design a toy for the future, linking it to our science focus of materials and their properties. We have also continued to build on our independent writing skills, as children have written their own alternative narrative about the ‘Naughty Bus’.

Year 2 – we have been using our planning tool this week to plan our non-chronological reports about the Great Fire of London which we know so much about now! To finish the topic, today we recreated the fire (safely) outside using paper houses that we made. We have also been very excited to welcome our new class pets: caterpillars! We are observing their changes in preparation to start our new Science topic next week. 

Year 3 – we have been finding out about Stonehenge and asking lots of questions. We have been wondering why it was built, why it was re-arranged, how they transported and lifted the huge stones and why they chose stones from so far away. We are also making links in our literacy to history by beginning our new book about Mary Anning and are just starting to find out all about her ‘curiosities’!

Year 4/5 – we have been learning about the discovery of Tutankhamun’s tomb.  We learnt about Howard Carter, his history, his determination and his eventual success in finding the boy king’s tomb.  We have also been exploring water resistance in our science lessons and conducted an experiment with boats we made ourselves to examine the effects.

Year 6 – we have been looking at Mayan religions by focusing on the gods they worshipped and the history of the civilisation. We looked at the Mayan creation story and how life began, we used our collaboration tools to work together and retell the story in our own words. We then created comic strips to show the story in a modern way.


NSPCC – Numbers Day

The School Council organised an excellent ‘Numbers Day’ last Friday to raise money for the NSPCC. The House competition of the most money raised was won by the Hawks, and they also won the mental maths challenge too.  Thank you to everyone who supported the NSPCC, with your generous donations we raised £484!


Eid Assembly – Monday 17th May

We are delighted to be able to wish all our Muslim families a very Happy Eid. We would like it if your children could tell us how they celebrated their special day in our Eid Assembly on Monday 17th May.  Muslim children are invited to wear their Eid clothes and bring in something to show in Assembly.

KS2 Reading at Home

Almost half of our children in KS2 have been reading online, using the new MyOn program, introduced in April 2021. Research shows that reading can make a large difference to a child’s academic achievement. Evidence suggests that children who read every day develop a broader vocabulary, increased general knowledge and a better understanding of other cultures.

If you haven’t already, please encourage your child to log in and start reading as soon as possible. They have all been given logins by their teachers. They will have access to hundreds of new and exciting e-books and can take quizzes based on the books that they read to improve their comprehension.

How to log on:

·         Go to and click on login.

·         Enter the school name: Dulwich Wood Primary School

·         Enter your username and password. These are case sensitive.

·         If this is the first time you have logged on, you will be asked to set your reading preferences. Save these.

·         If this is the first time you have logged on, click on the orange button  and enter your login details one more time. On the next page, click ‘Allow’ (you only need to do this step once).

·         You are now logged in to MyOn and can access hundreds of e-books.


Teachers will be setting regular projects on MyOn, which children can only access on their account. It is important that they set up their account (as explained above) so that they can access their projects, as they will link to learning happening in school.

We are excited for more children to start using this amazing program, so that we can celebrate their achievements!   Watch this space for upcoming reading competitions!


Home Learning

Reading: make sure that you are reading every night using Bug Club (Rec, Y1, Y2) or MyOn (Y3-Y6)

Spelling: look at Tapestry each week for your spelling words to practise. (Y1 – Y6)

Maths: practise your maths skills using Numbots (Y1 & Y2) OR Times Table Rock Stars (Y2 – Y6)

Please set limitations for your children, certainly no more than 1 hour & definitely not just before bed!



Wrap Around Care: Breakfast and Emu Club sessions are now available to book for after the half term break. Please remember to book 7 days in advance to avoid premium charges.

Uniform should be purchased via SchoolsBuddy. Orders placed from Wednesday through to Tuesday will be ready for collection  on the following Wednesday – the office will text parents when your order is available

Star Pupils this Week

Reception – Annabel, Constance, Juliet, Dhamari

Year 1 – Ayaan, Aiden, Elshaday, Habibah

Year 2 – Midyd, Bessie, Zafirah, Teddy

Year 3 – Heve, Jessica, Isaac, Vitoria

Year 4/5 – Shanell, Amy, Alfred, Aaliyah, Neli, Anaiah

Year 6 – Emily, Isla, Jacob, Shania


Acorn Awards this week

Green Acorn Awards  – 75 points!

Reception – Cece, Muhammad

Year 4/5 – Elissa


Bronze Acorn Awards  – 150 points!

Year 2 – Fabian, Eskandar, Ezekiel, Zafirah. Arlen, Lydia, Gabriel, Mia, Ohemaa

Year 4/5 – Aaliyah, Alfred, Ellie, Maria, Ryaln, Ceyla, Emilie, Mirabel, Pemi, Aaryn, Thalisa, Jadon, Jayden, Leah-Rose, Michael,

Year 6 – Emily, Bazit, Danny, Ibrahim, Rania, Alba, Hector, Jacob


Silver Acorn Awards – 250 points!

Year 4/5 – Seren, Skye, Destiny


House Points 

165 185 194




Dates for your Diary

Mon 31st May – Fr 4th Jun Half Term Break  (Children return to school on Mon 7th June) 
Mon 7th Jun  Children return to school 
Mon 12th July Learning Reviews (School closed to children)






Dulwich Wood Dinner Menu

Monday 17th  Tuesday 18th  Wednesday 19th  Thursday 20th  Friday 21st 
Meal A  Chicken Burger with Cajun Potato Wedges Chicken Korma with Rice Roast Beef with Roast Potatoes and Gravy Beef Cottage Pie Crispy Fish Fingers and Chips
Meal B The Incredible Burger with Cajun Potato Wedges Veggie Korma with Rice Quorn Roast with Roast Potatoes

and Gravy

Vegetable Cottage Pie Quorn Dippers and Chips
Meal C Filled Jacket Potato Filled Jacket Potato Filled Jacket Potato Filled Jacket Potato Filled Jacket Potato
Vegetables Peas & Sweetcorn Green Beans & Carrots Parsnips & Peas Sweetcorn & Broccoli Peas & Baked Beans
Salad Bar  Tomato, Cucumber, Lettuce, Carrot Tomato, Cucumber, Lettuce, Sweetcorn Tomato, Cucumber, Lettuce, Peppers Tomato, Cucumber, Lettuce, Carrot Tomato, Cucumber, Lettuce, Sweetcorn
Desserts Yoghurt & Fresh Fruit Slices Yoghurt & Fresh Fruit Salad Yoghurt & Fresh Fruit Salad Yoghurt & Fresh Fruit Salad Yoghurt & Fresh Fruit Slices

Cheese & Biscuits with Grapes & Apples