Friday 26th February 2021

Dear Parents/Carers,

We couldn’t be more excited for Monday 8th March. We are so looking forward to welcoming all the children back to school!

Our Learning Journey is Heroes and Heroines and we think that applies to everyone in our school community especially all the Parents. Some of you are key workers, lots of you have somehow been managing to work from home, many of you have been home teachers and you all have been truly supportive of the school throughout this difficult time.  The children are also Heroes and Heroines, many of whom have tried their very best to learn in really different and sometimes difficult circumstances. Also, to all the staff who have worked tirelessly to provide online learning and lap tops, free school meals, vulnerable and key worker education in school and much, much more.

Our School Governors have also played a part, a huge thank you to Sandra, our new Co-Chair of Governors, who has fundraised and provided the school with many additional lap tops, to Father Bernhard and his Parishioners who have also contributed very generously towards providing digital access for many families.

The staff at the KETRA foodbank who have ensured, with the food donations from the school, that no-one in our community has gone hungry.

To the Friends of Dulwich Wood for the World Book Day competition and their continued support. Well done everyone! Infact you are all Superheroes. Our school values of caring, collaboration, community and confident have been at the fore of everything we have achieved together throughout this lockdown!


Reopening on 8th March

We are confident that what we had in place in the Autumn term including the year group bubble system, the different start and finish times, restricted entry and utilisation of different entry points was very effective in minimising the risk of spreading Covid 19. We will therefore be operating on the same model. We will remind you of timings/gates etc… in next week’s newsletter.

Last term we had to remind Parents to pick up their children on time and then leave the vicinity. This was a particular problem at the back entrance where Parents were congregating in the road and on the private grass verges showing little awareness of social distancing, the local residents or the through traffic. We urge you to follow Government guidelines, wear a mask and maintain social distancing when the children return to school. We know the pavements around school are narrow, please work together to keep everyone safe.


Wrap Around Care

We hope to be able to resume Wrap Around Care when we return from the Easter holidays (Monday 19th April). Our priority is to get all the children back to school and to remain strictly in year group bubbles, it is likely that we will have to close bubbles should anyone become infected and we want to minimise the numbers of children this affects. After carefully risk assessing wrap around care we have decided that we can’t mix bubbles yet and this is the only way we were able to offer Emu Club in the Autumn Term.

Star Pupils this Week

Reception – Alice, Seren, Cece & Sadie

Year 1 – Aidan, Bryanna, Sofia & Harrison

Year 2 – Izzy, Kerem, Suriaya & Maya

Year 3 – Brooke, Jessica, Daisy & Kuzey

Year 4/5 – Seren, Muzzakir, Lanaia, Mirabel, Kyode & Tabitha

Year 6 – Michaela, Omari, Yago & Nayan


Lockdown House Points 

47 49 50





School Uniform is now available to purchase on Schools Buddy.

If you would like any new uniform for your child(ren) before they return on Monday 8th March orders must be placed by 12pm on Wednesday 3rd, and will be available to collect from the school office between 9am and 3pm on Thursday 4th and Friday 5th March.

If you are unable to make these times then please contact the office team to arrange a suitable alternative – 

Dates for your Diary

Thurs 4th Mar  Whole School Singing Assembly @ 2:15pm  (Wear your World Book Day Costume!)
Fri 5th Mar  Whole School Celebration Assembly @ 2:15pm 

FODW 2nd Hand Uniform Sale (1pm – 3pm)

Fri 5th Mar – Fri 12th Mar Science Week 
Mon 8th Mar ALL children return to school 
Mon 15th Mar – Fri 19th Mar Census Project Week 
Fri 19th Mar Red Nose Day  (Bring £1 & dress up as your favourite superhero)
Wed 31st Mar Easter Activities Afternoon (Picnic lunch in year group bubbles, Easter bonnets & egg hunt)
Thurs 1st Apr – Fri 16th Apr Easter Holiday
Thurs 6th May  School Closed – Polling Station (Southwark Council have designated Dulwich Wood Primary as a polling site)