Learning Journey – ‘Surroundings’

Welcome back and Happy New Year! We were delighted to see all the children back on Tuesday ready to start their new learning journey ’Surroundings’. We have started to learn the song ‘What a wonderful World’  have a sing along at home it really helps!!

Please log into tapestry and ensure your child knows about the home learning due in 2 weeks’ time.

A snapshot of our week:

Reception: the children have come back full of enthusiasm and happy to be back in school. This week we have been enjoying some traditional fairy tales like The Gingerbread Man, The Three Little Pigs and Goldilocks and The Three Bears. We’ve been exploring how every story has characters, a setting, a problem and a solution and then used this to create our own class stories! In maths we have been learning about zero and how to represent zero on our fingers, in pictures and as a numeral. We have also been comparing numbers 1 to 5 and understanding the concepts and language ‘more than’ and ‘fewer than’.

Year 1: have had an amazing first week back after the holidays. We were surprised to see an old-looking teddy bear having a picnic in our classrooms! It turns out it’s the teddy from the new book that we’re reading (The Sea Saw by Tom Percival). We were very good at using our empathy goggles and putting ourselves in the shoes of the bear by writing thought bubbles and commands. In geography, we’ve been learning about the meaning of ‘surroundings’ and how we can use our senses to take our surroundings in. We went on a ‘rainbow walk’ and were spotting all of the colours around the school and gardens. It was a great opportunity for us to use our collaboration tool, helping each other to notice things, we also realised that looking at our surroundings helped us feel calm. 

Year 2: we have had a brilliant start to 2022 in Year 2. We started some firefighting basic training to gear us up for our new topic of ‘Surroundings’ which will link to our Literacy book called ‘The Great Fire of London’ by Emma Adams. We then wrote a recount of the different activities that we did on the first day back including an obstacle course, sliding down a firemen pole and crawling under a parachute blind folded!  In Maths, we have continued to look at money and have started to find the difference using subtraction. We have also been giving change from £1.  It would really help if you can talk to your child about calculating change when shopping!  Swimming starts back on Tuesday 11th Jan.

Year 3: this week we have started our learning journey about Surroundings by thinking about what ‘surroundings’ mean to us. The children came up with some great ideas! As a lead in to our new literacy book, the children arrived in the classrooms on Thursday to find a huge pile of rubbish! We have started discussing how we can recycle, reuse and reduce the rubbish. 3B had a fantastic orienteering workshop with Wilson from the Southwark Sports Partnership and will be teaching some of the skills they learnt to 3A next week.

Year 4: we have had a wonderful first week back. In literacy, we have started a new book ‘Until I Met Dudley’, it is about how the everyday appliances that surround us actually work. We had great fun investigating how toasters and vacuum cleaners work, thinking of a wide range of questions to ask, as well as writing a letter to Dudley, the techno-wizard dog, asking for his help. We have continued practising multiplication and division in maths, focussing on the 6, 7 and 9-times tables. In geography, we have continued to look at the many imaginary lines that geographers place around the globe, this week focussing on time zones. Our new science topic is electricity, we have been thinking about what we already know and what we would like to find out. 4B also had a fantastic orienteering workshop with Wilson from the Southwark Sports Partnership and will be teaching some of the skills they learnt to 4A next week.

Year 5: were really excited to be back and get started on our topic about the Anglo-Saxons. We will be learning why they invaded Britain, where they settled and what influences they had on Britain. We have been asking big questions like ……How are our surroundings influenced by the past? Are our surroundings important and how do they influence us? We will be learning all about the states of matter in science and exploring molecules and how they behave in their different states, through fun and exciting experiments. We also had the best Spanish lesson ever and have started to learn how to play the African Drums!  In Literacy, we have started a new book called High Rise Mystery and we love it! It’s about two sisters who take it upon themselves to investigate the mysterious murder of one of their neighbours, Hugo. We will become detectives this term and try to discover what happened to poor Hugo!  Y5B also had a fantastic orienteering workshop with Wilson from the Southwark Sports Partnership and will be teaching some of the skills they learnt to 5A next week.

Year 6: as always Year 6’s behaviour for learning has been outstanding this week from the second they walked through the door!! We have started our new text about Anne Frank by writing pen pal letters to her to find out more about her life and surroundings. In science we are learning about evolution and inheritance and have been looking at what features we have inherited from our Parents. Year 6 also got to work with Wilson; their orienteering session involved mapping skills, problems solving and working collaboratively to achieve the end goals. They were able to make lots of links to the ‘Surroundings’ learning journey. Year 6 led celebration Assembly this morning by singing out loud and proud, their enthusiasm was infectious!! Keep it up Year 6 – a fantastic start!

Star Pupils this week

Year 3: Bessie, Pearl, Mylah & Gabriel

Year 4: Brooke, Andre, Kuzey & Benji

Year 5: Lily, Destiny, Dario & Malachi

Year 6: Skye, Calista, Myelle, Ava, Mirabel & Isabelle


Acorn Awards

Green Acorn Awards – 75 points!

Year 4: Andre, Fatima

Year 6: Semi, Jake, Jayden, Xavier, Shanell, Grace

Bronze Acorn Awards – 150 points!

Year 3: Hammeda, Leayah, Luci, Pearl, Stan, Daisy, Ruan, Bessie, Keren, Rosin, Kerem, Sapphire, Midyd, Gilby, Koto, Eddie, Nathan T, Naila, Abubakarr, Ezekiel, Arthur

Year 4: Tashawna, Samuel

Year 6: Ava, Ralph, Lanaia, George, Myelle, Leah-Rose, Princess, Mirabel, Mel


House Points 

86 75 84



Covid Risk Assessment

Please be re-assured that we are keeping up with the ever-changing Government Guidance for Primary Schools. Our updated risk assessment will be going live on our website over the weekend. Please do not hesitate to contact the school if you are unsure about anything or require more information and we will do our best to help you. If we can’t answer your questions we will sign post you to someone who possibly can!


School Council – Fund Raising

School Council would like to thank you for your support at Christmas for their chosen charity ‘Save the Children’ they raised £626.60!


Talent Show

A huge thank you to Laura (Rocco’s Mum) for coordinating all the amazing Talents, school Council made approximately £100 for Friends selling popcorn.



Pokémon cards are no longer allowed in


Dates for the Diary

  • Fri 14th January – KS1 Celebration Assembly
  • Fri 21st January – KS2 Celebration Assembly
  • Mon 24th January – Year 6 Southwark Junior Citizen trip
  • Fri 28th January – KS1 Celebration Assembly
  • Monday 31st January – Friday 4th February – Year 6 School Journey
  • Friday 4th February – NSPCC Numbers Day


Dinner Menu – Week Commencing 10th January


Friday 7th January 2022