Author: Dulwich Wood

  • Friday 11th December 2020

    Our Learning Journey – Welcome to Our World Our learning this week… Reception – We have some very special visitors; the elves Ted and Ed have come to watch the children and report back to Santa. The problem is they can be a little bit naughty sometimes and they have been getting up to mischief…

  • Friday 4th December 2020

    Our Learning Journey – Welcome to Our World Thank you to everyone who ‘attended’ our virtual Learning Reviews, we are glad so many of you took up this opportunity to speak directly to class teachers about your child’s learning. The next learning review will be on Monday 22nd February 2021.   Our learning this week……

  • Friday 27th November 2020

    Our Learning Journey – Welcome to Our World Our learning this week… Reception – We have been continuing to learn the story of Henry Finch. We have been doing lots of thinking, and looking at our thoughts – are they helpful? Positive thoughts make us feel good and help us achieve our goal! In maths…

  • Friday 20th November 2020

    Our Learning Journey – Welcome to Our World Our learning this week… Reception – We had a very special start to the week as Miss Rowe, Emu and Fifi came to sort the children into their houses which was really exciting! In literacy, we have been reading the story ‘I am Henry Finch’. The children…

  • Friday 13th November 2020

    Our Learning Journey – Welcome to Our World Our learning this week… Reception – Children in Reception have been using their imagination to great effect, making up stories using ‘Tales Toolkit’, find out more on tapestry! They have been applying their new phonics sounds b,h and f  as well as practising ‘the’ ‘I’ and ‘to’.…

  • Friday 6th November 2020

    Our Learning Journey – Welcome to Our World Welcome Back I hope that all families had an enjoyable half term. The children returned enthusiastically on Tuesday, ready to share their amazing designs for the playground spaces, how impressive!!! Our Learning Journey this half term is ‘Welcome to our World’ Given the new national restrictions in…

  • Friday 23rd October 2020

    Our Learning Journey – Together Again Reception We started our year, reading the story ‘Colour Monster’ which helped us to talk about our feelings, and how we felt about coming back to school. Then we read the book Mixed, which helped us to think about how we are the same, and how we are different…

  • Friday 16th October 2020

    Our Learning Journey – Together Again Black History Month at Dulwich Wood Reception have been discussing diversity using the story ‘Mixed’ by Arree Chung. Next week we will be learning all about Dr Moody, one of the first doctors of colour who lived in Peckham. He campaigned for equal rights for everyone, so we will…

  • Friday 9th October 2020

    Our Learning Journey – Together Again Thank you to everyone who attended the Meet the Teacher Sessions this week. We have emailed the presentation to everyone now. We will be holding Learning Reviews next half term so you will be able to meet with your child’s class teacher. This will give you the opportunity to…

  • Friday 2nd October 2020

    Our Learning Journey – Together Again We’ve had another fantastic week of learning at Dulwich Wood! The School Council have a special message… This month, we will be looking at Black History. Across all year groups we will be exploring the contributions of Black people towards British society and will be understanding that we are…